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At the moment all the dvars are executed onplayerconnect so basically when anybody joins the server all the dvars are executed for everyone, at least from what i've seen. I'm not experienced in coding but would self.onlplayerconnect fix this?

Also you should take a look at this thread and consider blacklisting r_gfxop_dynamic_foliage. Another idea, at the moment you have multiple dvar threads which are all executed simultaneously and excessively. A better idea would be to seperate these threads so that the ones changeable by the player in game would be protected and the ones which the player couldn't change would only be executed on the player connecting once.

Here's just a critique of your current dvars thread (applies to the setdvar set too):

self setClientDvar( "jump_slowdownEnable", 1 ); // cheat protected, no need to execute
self setClientDvar( "snd_cinematicVolumeScale", 0); // would be better to just disable the thread for it in the audiologic (if it's there)
self setClientDvar( "snd_menu_voice", 0); // A better alternative would be to set scr_allowannouncer to 0 on the server
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawcrosshairnames", 0);
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFriendInColor", 0 ); // this doesn't exist
self setClientDvar( "enable_moving_paths", 0 ); // what does this do?
self setClientDvar( "r_fog", 0 );
self setClientDvar( "r_skyColorTemp", 25000 ); // this is preference, there's no need to set this, it's just unecesary
self setClientDvar( "player_meleeRange", 60); // this and the following 2 are cheat protected so there's no need to set them, besides there's no benefit if you're just going to change the melee range by 4
self setClientDvar( "player_meleeHeight", 10);
self setClientDvar( "player_meleeWidth", 10);
self setClientDvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", 140); // this only needs to be set on the server, no need to be set on client
self setClientDvar( "bg_fallDamageMaxHeight", 350); // same as above
self setClientDvar( "g_inactivity", "0" ); // this shouldn't be set as
self setClientDvar( "g_redCrosshairs", "0" ); // is this needed if the below command is set?
self setClientDvar( "player_forceRedCrosshair", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "r_flashLightShadows", 0 ); // this only works in single player, no need
self setClientDvar( "r_specular", "0" ); // doesn't work, command is broken
self setClientDvar( "cg_fov_default", "80" ); // no need
self setClientDvar( "r_specularcolorscale", "0" ); // should be removed as windows don't appear cracked when shot
self setClientDvar( "fx_marks", 0 ); // some people play with it on, some off. It's just preference so shouldn't be forced
self setClientDvar( "cg_brass", 0); // no need to force this, some people prefer it for realism and it provides no advantage
self setClientDvar( "dynent_active", 0); // doesn't exist according to dis rite hur
self setClientDvar( "r_vsync", "0"); // no need to force, some movie makers use it as well as some people with 120hz monitors
self setClientDvar( "snaps", 30); // some people lower it to 1 with a bind so that they can lag across streets and not be shot, a good way to counter this would be to kick them if they used a value less than 20 or to just use this script
PHP Code:
//   raf1s Dvar Punisher
name         "amitalking"
blurworld       16
   fullScreen 0
   visible when 
dvarintcom_maxfps ) > 250 || 
dvarintcom_maxfps ) < 40 || 
dvarintcl_maxpackets ) < 100 || dvarintrate)< 25000 
    origin      0 0
    forecolor   1 0 0 1
    backcolor   1 0 0 1
    exp text   
"One of your dvars is currently out of limits!");
    textscale   0.90
    textalign   ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT
    visible    1

self setClientDvar( "r_lodscalerigid", 1); // cheat protected, no need to set
self setClientDvar( "r_lodscaleskinned", 1); // cheat protected, no need to set
self setClientDvar( "r_distortion", 0); // broken command, doesn't do anything
self setClientDvar( "fx_drawclouds", 0); // you already have ambient effect threads disabled in the map files so there's no point in having this

An idea is you could remove the deathcam, e.g. when you die you can see where you died for a few seconds, so you could see where the guy that killed you would be going which is obviously unfair. So when you die you would go straight to spectating your teammates and there would be no delay.

Also the thirdperson spectate still works, all you have to do is change cg_fov_default_thirdperson to whatever value you want after the start of a round. I found these 2 commands which might disable thirdperson speccing if set to 0, you should try them out, they're cg_spectateThirdPerson and cg_thirdperson. Well that's about it, nice new release btw ChickenChickenChicken
-Democlient doesnt work or he isnt leaving or connecting so ready up doesnt work

- The scope looks strange u put a variable on it ? why ?

the other things are really ok ... ;D

Scope looks really ugly.
(07-14-2011, 15:24)tybr Wrote: [ -> ]-Democlient doesnt work or he isnt leaving or connecting so ready up doesnt work

- The scope looks strange u put a variable on it ? why ?

the other things are really ok ... ;D

true true +1

And I think the Weapon Menu strange because I cant press on the letter like AK47.
I can only press on the blank right place.

xKMod 2.7 ...... Very Nice work dude !!!
awp looks better...u see more around it, because the scope is smaller
(07-14-2011, 16:08)fnnor Wrote: [ -> ]awp looks better...u see more around it, because the scope is smaller

go play css
(07-14-2011, 15:32)fyve Wrote: [ -> ]+1

Scope looks really ugly.

This, old scope is better.
(07-14-2011, 15:24)tybr Wrote: [ -> ]-Democlient doesnt work or he isnt leaving or connecting so ready up doesnt work

- The scope looks strange u put a variable on it ? why ?

the other things are really ok ... ;D

1.ex: xk_mode "eslmatch"


3.Bye bye democlient

its fucked up.....damned...
got the same error messege "hud_icon_stuck_arrow" each time!