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Release MW3: All GSC Files Extracted
@DEREKTROTTER Can you rip the sp/spec ops files for me ?

Also lol at this:
// _perkfunctions.gsc
// Holds all the perk set/unset and listening functions
// Jordan Hirsh Sept. 11th 2008
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(11-16-2011, 16:56)Pozzuh Wrote: @DEREKTROTTER Can you rip the sp/spec ops files for me ?

Also lol at this:
// _perkfunctions.gsc
// Holds all the perk set/unset and listening functions
// Jordan Hirsh Sept. 11th 2008

Oh Jordan Hirsh, you've been there for many modders since 2008.


(11-16-2011, 16:56)Pozzuh Wrote: @DEREKTROTTER Can you rip the sp/spec ops files for me ?

Also lol at this:
// _perkfunctions.gsc
// Holds all the perk set/unset and listening functions
// Jordan Hirsh Sept. 11th 2008

ye ill see what i can do
trying to get the challengetable.csv

Turns out a lot of files are modified for wii:

D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\dd.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 986:         wii_play_grenade_rumble( explosionOrigin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\sab.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 815:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( explosionOrigin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\sd.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 987:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( explosionOrigin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_damage.gsc (3 hits)
    Line 887:         if ( !level.showingFinalKillcam && !level.killcam && doKillcam && !using_wii() )
    Line 914:     if ( !using_wii() && !(isDefined( victim.cancelKillcam) && victim.cancelKillcam) && doKillcam && level.killcam && game[ "state" ] == "playing" && !victim isUsingRemote() && !level.showingFinalKillcam )
    Line 1246:     if( using_wii() )
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic.gsc (3 hits)
    Line 10:     level.wii = ( GetDvar( "wiiGame" ) == "true" );
    Line 10:     level.wii = ( GetDvar( "wiiGame" ) == "true" );
    Line 11:     level.console = (level.ps3 || level.xenon || level.wii );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_hostmigration.gsc (2 hits)
    Line 136:     //* The Wii doesn't run at 20fps so we might get this error
    Line 165:     //* The Wii doesn't run at 20fps so we might get this error
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_missions.gsc (6 hits)
    Line 4: #include maps\mp\_wii_utility;
    Line 102:         if ( using_wii() )
    Line 104:             player wii_NotifyOnPlayerCommand_persistent( "hold_breath", "+smoke", "+sprint_and_cameralock", "+activate" );
    Line 105:             player wii_NotifyOnPlayerCommand_persistent( "release_breath", "-smoke", "-sprint_and_cameralock", "-activate" );
    Line 114:         if( using_wii() )
    Line 116:             player wii_NotifyOnPlayerCommand_persistent( "jumped", "+sprint_or_jump", "+sprint_and_cameralock", "+zappermenu" );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock.gsc (4 hits)
    Line 55:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( position );
    Line 150:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( position );
    Line 157:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( self.origin );
    Line 165:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( self.origin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_teams.gsc (2 hits)
    Line 687:     //WII - we have cut ghillies from MP for memory
    Line 715:             //*if ( level.environment != "" && self isItemUnlocked( "ghillie_" + level.environment ) )//WII - ghillie suits cut
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_a10.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 713:         wii_play_grenade_rumble( self.a10ShootingPos );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_ac130.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 98:     //* Wii: Needed By Sam Turret Script. -- ARomo
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_airstrike.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 711:         wii_play_grenade_rumble( bombPoint );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_escortairdrop.gsc (2 hits)
    Line 25:     //* no osprey on Wii
    Line 80:     //* Wii: Both Gunner and Escort Rely On This Dvar, But Struct For Gunner Doesn't Exist So Plugging In Value Manually
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_remoteturret.gsc (15 hits)
    Line 32:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintEnterWii =            &"MP_ENTER_REMOTE_TURRET_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 32:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintEnterWii =            &"MP_ENTER_REMOTE_TURRET_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 34:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintExitWii =            &"MP_EARLY_EXIT_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 34:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintExitWii =            &"MP_EARLY_EXIT_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 51:         PreCacheString( turretInfo.hintEnterWii );
    Line 53:         PreCacheString( turretInfo.hintExitWii );
    Line 483: watchControllerChanges( turret, altmessage, ccpmessage, wiimessage )
    Line 489:     if (!using_wii())
    Line 500:                     self setLowerMessage( altmessage, wiimessage, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, 0.25, 3.0 );
    Line 544:         owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
    Line 608:     owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "early_exit", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintExit, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintExitWii );
    Line 656:         owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
    Line 689:             self thread watchControllerChanges( turret, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
    Line 698:     if ( using_wii() )
    Line 754:             owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\_load.gsc (14 hits)
    Line 98:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_defaultweapon_fire" );
    Line 99:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_defaultweapon_melee" );
    Line 100:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_0" );
    Line 101:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_1" );
    Line 102:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_2" );
    Line 103:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_3" );
    Line 104:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_4" );
    Line 105:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_5" );
    Line 106:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_6" );
    Line 107:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_7" );
    Line 108:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_8" );
    Line 109:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_dtp_rumble" );
    Line 110:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_player_damage" );
    Line 111:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_grenade_rumble" );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\_matchevents.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 130:             wii_play_grenade_rumble( mortarTarget );

Files we can't use when using the gsc rip for pc modding. (if nova releases a loader)
maps\mp\gametypes\_damage.gsc // probably usable
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(11-16-2011, 17:07)Pozzuh Wrote: Turns out a lot of files are modified for wii:

D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\dd.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 986:         wii_play_grenade_rumble( explosionOrigin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\sab.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 815:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( explosionOrigin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\sd.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 987:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( explosionOrigin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_damage.gsc (3 hits)
    Line 887:         if ( !level.showingFinalKillcam && !level.killcam && doKillcam && !using_wii() )
    Line 914:     if ( !using_wii() && !(isDefined( victim.cancelKillcam) && victim.cancelKillcam) && doKillcam && level.killcam && game[ "state" ] == "playing" && !victim isUsingRemote() && !level.showingFinalKillcam )
    Line 1246:     if( using_wii() )
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic.gsc (3 hits)
    Line 10:     level.wii = ( GetDvar( "wiiGame" ) == "true" );
    Line 10:     level.wii = ( GetDvar( "wiiGame" ) == "true" );
    Line 11:     level.console = (level.ps3 || level.xenon || level.wii );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_hostmigration.gsc (2 hits)
    Line 136:     //* The Wii doesn't run at 20fps so we might get this error
    Line 165:     //* The Wii doesn't run at 20fps so we might get this error
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_missions.gsc (6 hits)
    Line 4: #include maps\mp\_wii_utility;
    Line 102:         if ( using_wii() )
    Line 104:             player wii_NotifyOnPlayerCommand_persistent( "hold_breath", "+smoke", "+sprint_and_cameralock", "+activate" );
    Line 105:             player wii_NotifyOnPlayerCommand_persistent( "release_breath", "-smoke", "-sprint_and_cameralock", "-activate" );
    Line 114:         if( using_wii() )
    Line 116:             player wii_NotifyOnPlayerCommand_persistent( "jumped", "+sprint_or_jump", "+sprint_and_cameralock", "+zappermenu" );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock.gsc (4 hits)
    Line 55:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( position );
    Line 150:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( position );
    Line 157:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( self.origin );
    Line 165:     wii_play_grenade_rumble( self.origin );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\gametypes\_teams.gsc (2 hits)
    Line 687:     //WII - we have cut ghillies from MP for memory
    Line 715:             //*if ( level.environment != "" && self isItemUnlocked( "ghillie_" + level.environment ) )//WII - ghillie suits cut
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_a10.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 713:         wii_play_grenade_rumble( self.a10ShootingPos );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_ac130.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 98:     //* Wii: Needed By Sam Turret Script. -- ARomo
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_airstrike.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 711:         wii_play_grenade_rumble( bombPoint );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_escortairdrop.gsc (2 hits)
    Line 25:     //* no osprey on Wii
    Line 80:     //* Wii: Both Gunner and Escort Rely On This Dvar, But Struct For Gunner Doesn't Exist So Plugging In Value Manually
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\killstreaks\_remoteturret.gsc (15 hits)
    Line 32:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintEnterWii =            &"MP_ENTER_REMOTE_TURRET_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 32:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintEnterWii =            &"MP_ENTER_REMOTE_TURRET_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 34:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintExitWii =            &"MP_EARLY_EXIT_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 34:     level.turretSettings[ "mg_turret" ].hintExitWii =            &"MP_EARLY_EXIT_WIIMOTE";    
    Line 51:         PreCacheString( turretInfo.hintEnterWii );
    Line 53:         PreCacheString( turretInfo.hintExitWii );
    Line 483: watchControllerChanges( turret, altmessage, ccpmessage, wiimessage )
    Line 489:     if (!using_wii())
    Line 500:                     self setLowerMessage( altmessage, wiimessage, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, 0.25, 3.0 );
    Line 544:         owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
    Line 608:     owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "early_exit", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintExit, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintExitWii );
    Line 656:         owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
    Line 689:             self thread watchControllerChanges( turret, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
    Line 698:     if ( using_wii() )
    Line 754:             owner thread watchControllerChanges( self, "enter_remote_turret", level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnter, level.turretSettings[ self.turretType ].hintEnterWii );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\_load.gsc (14 hits)
    Line 98:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_defaultweapon_fire" );
    Line 99:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_defaultweapon_melee" );
    Line 100:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_0" );
    Line 101:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_1" );
    Line 102:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_2" );
    Line 103:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_3" );
    Line 104:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_4" );
    Line 105:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_5" );
    Line 106:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_6" );
    Line 107:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_7" );
    Line 108:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_rumble_8" );
    Line 109:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_dtp_rumble" );
    Line 110:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_player_damage" );
    Line 111:     PrecacheRumble( "wii_grenade_rumble" );
  D:\modden\mw3 rip\maps\mp\_matchevents.gsc (1 hits)
    Line 130:             wii_play_grenade_rumble( mortarTarget );

Files we can't use when using the gsc rip for pc modding. (if nova releases a loader)

im sure those files would still work on pc, just the wii scripts will not be run. Anyway the main ones _missions/_class/_rank/_events are all we need Smile

(11-16-2011, 17:17)DEREKTROTTER Wrote: Anyway the main ones _missions/_class/_rank/_events are all we need Smile


Console people need those, we (in most cases, if it's a very simple mod made by a beginner then it doesn't really matter, and it also depends on the mod, sometimes you would just need one .GSC to launch into your own "GSC system") need more .GSC's.

No. We will probably get an error saying unknown function. And if we remove those codes we lose a lot of rumbles and ghillies. Meh. Kinda annoying but not too bad.

Also WE also need globallogic. And we don't need rank.gsc at all (atleast if you aren't going to make a rank hack).
[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(11-16-2011, 17:21)Pozzuh Wrote: No. We will probably get an error saying unknown function. And if we remove those codes we lose a lot of rumbles and ghillies

btw what program did you use to search for the term "wii" ?

(11-16-2011, 17:22)DEREKTROTTER Wrote:
(11-16-2011, 17:21)Pozzuh Wrote: No. We will probably get an error saying unknown function. And if we remove those codes we lose a lot of rumbles and ghillies

btw what program did you use to search for the term "wii" ?

[Image: MaEIQ.png]

(11-16-2011, 17:18)Rendflex Wrote:
(11-16-2011, 17:17)DEREKTROTTER Wrote: Anyway the main ones _missions/_class/_rank/_events are all we need Smile


Console people need those, we (in most cases, if it's a very simple mod made by a beginner then it doesn't really matter, and it also depends on the mod, sometimes you would just need one .GSC to launch into your own "GSC system") need more .GSC's.

well im not sure anyone is gonna be successful in decrypting the fastfiles on pc/ps3/xbox
we will have to make use of what we have


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