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Request How to give same Weapon at the same time to every players ?

I search a way to give 1 define Weapon to every players at the same time. (like Sharp Shooter mod).

Is it possible with default gametype ? (TDM, FFA, etc...)

here is the code for sharpshoter

ps: please press the thanks button if i helped you Smile

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_utils::registerTimeLimitDvar( level.gameType, 5.25, 0, 1440 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_utils::registerScoreLimitDvar( level.gameType, 0, 0, 5000 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_utils::registerRoundLimitDvar( level.gameType, 1, 0, 10 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_utils::registerRoundWinLimitDvar( level.gameType, 0, 0, 10 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_utils::registerNumLivesDvar( level.gameType, 0, 0, 10 );
    level.onStartGameType = ::onStartGameType;
    level.onSpawnPlayer = ::onSpawnPlayer;
    level.onSpawnPlayerUnified = ::onSpawnPlayerUnified;
    level.onPlayerKilled = ::onPlayerKilled;
    level.onWagerAwards = ::onWagerAwards;
    game["dialog"]["gametype"] = "ss_start";
    level.giveCustomLoadout = ::giveCustomLoadout;
    if( !isPregameEnabled() )
        PrecacheItem( "minigun_wager_mp" );
        PrecacheItem( "m202_flash_wager_mp" );
    PrecacheString( &"MP_SHRP_WEAPONS_CYCLED" );
    PrecacheString( &"MP_SHRP_PENULTIMATE_RND" );
    PrecacheString( &"MP_SHRP_RND" );
    PrecacheString( &"MP_SHRP_FINAL_MULTIPLIER" );
    PrecacheShader( "perk_times_two" );
    game["dialog"]["wm_weapons_cycled"] = "ssharp_cycle_01";
    game["dialog"]["wm_final_weapon"] = "ssharp_fweapon";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus_rnd"] = "ssharp_2multi_00";
    game["dialog"]["wm_shrp_rnd"] = "ssharp_sround";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus0"] = "boost_gen_05";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus1"] = "boost_gen_05";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus2"] = "boost_gen_05";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus3"] = "boost_gen_05";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus4"] = "boost_gen_05";
    game["dialog"]["wm_bonus5"] = "boost_gen_05";
    setscoreboardcolumns( "kills", "deaths", "stabs", "x2score" );
    setdvar( "scr_disable_cac", 1 );
    makedvarserverinfo( "scr_disable_cac", 1 );
    setDvar( "scr_disable_weapondrop", 1 );
    level.killstreaksenabled = 0;
    level.hardpointsenabled = 0;    
    setDvar( "scr_xpscale", 0 );
    setDvar( "ui_allow_teamchange", 0 );
    makedvarserverinfo( "ui_allow_teamchange", 0 );
    setDvar( "ui_guncycle", 0 );
    makedvarserverinfo( "ui_guncycle", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP" );
    if ( level.splitscreen )
        maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveScoreText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP" );
        maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveScoreText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP" );
        maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveScoreText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP_SCORE" );
        maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveScoreText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP_SCORE" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveHintText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP_HINT" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_ui::setObjectiveHintText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_SHRP_HINT" );
    level.spawnMins = ( 0, 0, 0 );
    level.spawnMaxs = ( 0, 0, 0 );
    newSpawns = GetEntArray( "mp_wager_spawn", "classname" );
    if (newSpawns.size > 0)
        maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "allies", "mp_wager_spawn" );
        maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "axis", "mp_wager_spawn" );
        maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "allies", "mp_dm_spawn" );
        maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "axis", "mp_dm_spawn" );
    level.mapCenter = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::findBoxCenter( level.spawnMins, level.spawnMaxs );
    setMapCenter( level.mapCenter );
    spawnpoint = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getRandomIntermissionPoint();
    setDemoIntermissionPoint( spawnpoint.origin, spawnpoint.angles );
    level.useStartSpawns = false;
    allowed[0] = "shrp";
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "other_kill", 100 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "melee_kill", 25 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "kill", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "assist_75", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "assist_50", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "assist_25", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "assist", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_fastreload", "perk", &"PERKS_SLEIGHT_OF_HAND_PRO", "perk_sleight_of_hand_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_fastads", "perk", &"PERKS_SLEIGHT_OF_HAND_PRO", "perk_sleight_of_hand_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_movefaster", "perk", &"PERKS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PRO", "perk_lightweight_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_fallheight", "perk", &"PERKS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PRO", "perk_lightweight_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_bulletaccuracy", "perk", &"PERKS_STEADY_AIM_PRO", "perk_steady_aim_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_sprintrecovery", "perk", &"PERKS_STEADY_AIM_PRO", "perk_steady_aim_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( "specialty_fastmeleerecovery", "perk", &"PERKS_STEADY_AIM_PRO", "perk_steady_aim_pro" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::addPowerup( 2, "score_multiplier", &"PERKS_SCORE_MULTIPLIER", "perk_times_two" );
    addGunToProgression( "minigun_wager" );
    addGunToProgression( "m202_flash_wager" );
    level.displayRoundEndText = false;
    level.QuickMessageToAll = true;
    level thread chooseRandomGuns();
addGunToProgression( gunName, altName )
    if ( !IsDefined( level.gunProgression ) )
        level.gunProgression = [];
    newWeapon = SpawnStruct();
    newWeapon.names = [];
    newWeapon.names[newWeapon.names.size] = gunName;
    if ( IsDefined( altName ) )
        newWeapon.names[newWeapon.names.size] = altName;
    level.gunProgression[level.gunProgression.size] = newWeapon;
    weaponIDKeys = GetArrayKeys( level.tbl_weaponIDs );
    numWeaponIDKeys = weaponIDKeys.size;
    while ( true )
        randomIndex = RandomInt( numWeaponIDKeys+level.gunProgression.size );
        baseWeaponName = "";
        weaponName = "";
        if ( randomIndex < numWeaponIDKeys )
            id = random( level.tbl_weaponIDs );
            if ( ( id[ "slot" ] != "primary" ) && ( id[ "slot" ] != "secondary" ) )
            if ( id[ "reference" ] == "weapon_null" )
            if ( id[ "cost" ] == "-1" )
            baseWeaponName = id[ "reference" ];
            attachmentList = id[ "attachment" ];
            weaponName = addRandomAttachmentToWeaponName( baseWeaponName, attachmentList );
            baseWeaponName = level.gunProgression[randomIndex - numWeaponIDKeys].names[0];
            weaponName = level.gunProgression[randomIndex - numWeaponIDKeys].names[0];
        if ( !IsDefined( level.usedBaseWeapons ) )
            level.usedBaseWeapons = [];
            level.usedBaseWeapons[0] = "strela";
        skipWeapon = false;
        for ( i = 0 ; i < level.usedBaseWeapons.size ; i++ )
            if ( level.usedBaseWeapons[i] == baseWeaponName )
                skipWeapon = true;
        if ( skipWeapon )
        level.usedBaseWeapons[level.usedBaseWeapons.size] = baseWeaponName;
        weaponName = weaponName+"_mp";
        return weaponName;
addRandomAttachmentToWeaponName( baseWeaponName, attachmentList )
    if ( !IsDefined( attachmentList ) )
        return baseWeaponName;
    attachments = StrTok( attachmentList, " " );
    attachments = array_remove( attachments, "dw" );
    if ( attachments.size <= 0 )
        return baseWeaponName;
    attachments[attachments.size] = "";
    attachment = random( attachments );
    if ( attachment == "" )
        return baseWeaponName;
    return baseWeaponName+"_"+attachment;
waitLongDurationWithHostMigrationPause( nextGunCycleTime, duration )
    endtime = gettime() + duration * 1000;
    totalTimePassed = 0;
    while ( gettime() < endtime )
        maps\mp\gametypes\_hostmigration::waitTillHostMigrationStarts( (endtime - gettime()) / 1000 );
        if ( isDefined( level.hostMigrationTimer ) )
            setDvar( "ui_guncycle", 0 );
            timePassed = maps\mp\gametypes\_hostmigration::waitTillHostMigrationDone();
            totalTimePassed += timePassed;
            endtime += timePassed;
            println("[SHRP] timePassed = " + timePassed);
            println("[SHRP] totatTimePassed = " + totalTimePassed);
            println("[SHRP] level.discardTime = " + level.discardTime);
            setDvar( "ui_guncycle", nextGunCycleTime + totalTimePassed );
    return totalTimePassed;
gunCycleWaiter( nextGunCycleTime, waitTime )
    continueCycling = true;
    setDvar( "ui_guncycle", nextGunCycleTime );
    timePassed = waitLongDurationWithHostMigrationPause ( nextGunCycleTime, ( nextGunCycleTime - GetTime() ) / 1000 - 6 );
    nextGunCycleTime += timePassed;
    for ( i = 6 ; i > 1 ; i-- )
        for ( j = 0 ; j < level.players.size ; j++ )
            level.players[j] playLocalSound( "uin_timer_wager_beep" );
        timePassed = waitLongDurationWithHostMigrationPause ( nextGunCycleTime, ( nextGunCycleTime - GetTime() ) / 1000 / i );
        nextGunCycleTime += timePassed;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < level.players.size ; i++ )
        level.players[i] playLocalSound( "uin_timer_wager_last_beep" );
    if ( ( nextGunCycleTime - GetTime() ) > 0 )
        wait ( ( nextGunCycleTime - GetTime() ) / 1000 );
    level.shrpRandomWeapon = getRandomGunFromProgression();
    for ( i = 0 ; i < level.players.size ; i++ )            
        level.players[i] giveCustomLoadout( false, true );
    return continueCycling;
    level endon( "game_ended" );
    waitTime = 45;
    lightningWaitTime = 15;
    level.shrpRandomWeapon = getRandomGunFromProgression();
    if ( level.inPrematchPeriod )
        level waittill( "prematch_over" );
    gunCycle = 1;
    numGunCycles = int( level.timeLimit * 60 / waitTime + 0.5 );
    while( true )
        nextGunCycleTime = gettime() + waitTime * 1000;
        isPenultimateRound = false;
        isSharpshooterRound = ( gunCycle == numGunCycles-1 );
        gunCycleWaiter( nextGunCycleTime, waitTime );
        for ( i = 0 ; i < level.players.size ; i++ )
            if ( gunCycle + 1 == numGunCycles )
                level.players[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::wagerAnnouncer( "wm_final_weapon" );
                level.players[i] maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::wagerAnnouncer( "wm_weapons_cycled" );
        if ( isPenultimateRound )
            level.sharpshooterMultiplier = 2;
            maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "melee_kill", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "melee_kill" ) * level.sharpshooterMultiplier );
            maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "other_kill", maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "other_kill" ) * level.sharpshooterMultiplier );
            for ( i = 0 ; i < level.players.size ; i++ )
                level.players[i] thread maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::queueWagerPopup( &"MP_SHRP_PENULTIMATE_RND", 0, &"MP_SHRP_PENULTIMATE_MULTIPLIER", "wm_bonus_rnd" );
        else if ( isSharpshooterRound )
            lastMultiplier = level.sharpshooterMultiplier;
            if ( !IsDefined( lastMultiplier ) )
                lastMultiplier = 1;
            level.sharpshooterMultiplier = 2;
            setDvar( "ui_guncycle", 0 );
            maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "melee_kill", int( maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "melee_kill" ) / lastMultiplier * level.sharpshooterMultiplier ) );
            maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "other_kill", int( maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::getScoreInfoValue( "other_kill" ) / lastMultiplier * level.sharpshooterMultiplier ) );
            for ( i = 0 ; i < level.players.size ; i++ )
                level.players[i] thread maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::queueWagerPopup( &"MP_SHRP_RND", 0, &"MP_SHRP_FINAL_MULTIPLIER", "wm_shrp_rnd" );
            level.sharpshooterMultiplier = 1;
giveCustomLoadout( takeAllWeapons, alreadySpawned )
    chooseRandomBody = false;
    if ( !IsDefined( alreadySpawned ) || !alreadySpawned )
        chooseRandomBody = true;
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::setupBlankRandomPlayer( takeAllWeapons, chooseRandomBody );
    self DisableWeaponCycling();
    self giveWeapon( level.shrpRandomWeapon );
    self switchToWeapon( level.shrpRandomWeapon );
    self giveWeapon( "knife_mp" );
    if ( !IsDefined( alreadySpawned ) || !alreadySpawned )
        self setSpawnWeapon( level.shrpRandomWeapon );
    if ( IsDefined( takeAllWeapons ) && !takeAllWeapons )
        self thread takeOldWeapons();
        self EnableWeaponCycling();
    return level.shrpRandomWeapon;
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self endon( "death" );
    for ( ;; )
        self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
        if ( newWeapon != "none" )
    weaponsList = self GetWeaponsList();
    for ( i = 0 ; i < weaponsList.size ; i++ )
        if ( ( weaponsList[i] != level.shrpRandomWeapon ) && ( weaponsList[i] != "knife_mp" ) )
            self TakeWeapon( weaponsList[i] );
    self EnableWeaponCycling();
onPlayerKilled( eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration )
    if ( IsDefined( attacker ) && IsPlayer( attacker ) && ( attacker != self ) )
        if ( IsDefined( level.sharpshooterMultiplier ) && ( level.sharpshooterMultiplier == 2 ) )
            if ( !IsDefined( attacker.pers["x2kills"] ) )
                attacker.pers["x2kills"] = 1;
            attacker.x2Kills = attacker.pers["x2kills"];
        else if ( IsDefined( level.sharpshooterMultiplier ) && ( level.sharpshooterMultiplier == 3 ) )
            if ( !IsDefined( attacker.pers["x3kills"] ) )
                attacker.pers["x3kills"] = 1;
            attacker.x2Kills = attacker.pers["x3kills"];
        currentBonus = attacker.currentBonus;
        if ( !IsDefined( currentBonus ) )
            currentBonus = 0;
        if ( currentBonus < level.powerupList.size )
            attacker maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::givePowerup( level.powerupList[currentBonus] );
            attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::wagerAnnouncer( "wm_bonus"+currentBonus );
            attacker.currentBonus = currentBonus;
        if ( currentBonus >= level.powerupList.size )
            if ( IsDefined( attacker.powerups ) && IsDefined( attacker.powerups.size ) && ( attacker.powerups.size > 0 ) )
                attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::pulsePowerupIcon( attacker.powerups.size-1 );
        scoreMultiplier = 1;
        if ( IsDefined( attacker.scoreMultiplier ) )
            scoreMultiplier = attacker.scoreMultiplier;
        scoreIncrease = attacker.score;
        for ( i = 1 ; i <= scoreMultiplier ; i++ )
            if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_MELEE" )
                attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_score::givePlayerScore( "melee_kill", attacker, self );
                attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_score::givePlayerScore( "other_kill", attacker, self );
        scoreIncrease = attacker.score - scoreIncrease;
        if ( scoreMultiplier > 1 || ( IsDefined( level.sharpshooterMultiplier ) && level.sharpshooterMultiplier > 1 ) )
            attacker playLocalSound( "uin_alert_cash_register" );
            attacker.pers["x2score"] += scoreIncrease;
            attacker.x2score = attacker.pers["x2score"];
    self.currentBonus = 0;
    self.scoreMultiplier = 1;
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_wager::clearPowerups();
    self thread infiniteAmmo();
    spawnPoints = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getTeamSpawnPoints( self.pers["team"] );
    spawnPoint = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getSpawnpoint_DM( spawnPoints );
    self spawn( spawnPoint.origin, spawnPoint.angles, "shrp" );
    self thread infiniteAmmo();
    self endon( "death" );
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    for ( ;; )
        wait( 0.1 );
        weapon = self GetCurrentWeapon();
        self GiveMaxAmmo( weapon );
    x2kills = self maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_score::getPersStat( "x2kills" );
    if ( !IsDefined( x2kills ) )
        x2kills = 0;
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::setAfterActionReportStat( "wagerAwards", x2kills, 0 );
    headshots = self maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_score::getPersStat( "headshots" );
    if ( !IsDefined( headshots ) )
        headshots = 0;
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::setAfterActionReportStat( "wagerAwards", headshots, 1 );
    bestKillstreak = self maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_score::getPersStat( "best_kill_streak" );
    if ( !IsDefined( bestKillstreak ) )
        bestKillstreak = 0;
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::setAfterActionReportStat( "wagerAwards", bestKillstreak, 2 );
I like turtles
[Image: thumb-275x274-design-609.png]


for(i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++)
                level.players[i] takeWeapon(level.players[i] getCurrentWeapon());
                level.players[i] giveWeapon("weaponname_mp");
                level.players[i] switchToWeapon("weaponname_mp");
YouTube 1:Azumikkel- Modding
YouTube 2:DerpShark- Gaming Entertainment
Contact: im[at]

(07-26-2011, 14:52)AZUMIKKEL Wrote:
for(i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++)
                level.players[i] takeWeapon(level.players[i] getCurrentWeapon());
                level.players[i] giveWeapon("weaponname_mp");
                level.players[i] switchToWeapon("weaponname_mp");

Thank's birdplane and AZUMIKKEL. I have modified default gametype's gsc, and i'm include a code similar than AZUMIKKEL code.

if(isAlive(level.players[i])), good idea Wink


you're welcome Smile
I like turtles
[Image: thumb-275x274-design-609.png]


u could make a time function on "init()"

so on init:

for(level.weptime = 0;;level.weptime++)
wait 1;

onPlayerSpawned or somewhere:

if(level.weptime == blabla)
give weapon bla bla

so everyone gets it, and then u could add more stuff with the level.weptime...

Fuck yea!

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