What works?
tested most should work)
RCON port is 11005.Games_mp.log should be in main and also report the bugs.Chat viewer requires 3.5 so linux users will need to install mono.
How to Install B3 for Windows(Linux please look for other tutorials on the net also there are many other ways of doing this I prefer this method):
B3 Python source version - http://forum.bigbrotherbot.net/downloads...iew;down=4
XAMPP(or WAMP) - http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
1.Install XAMPP
2.Extract plugins.rar in your game-server directory's plugin folder.
3.Extract B3 anywhere you want.
4.Open any internet browser and navigate to localhost
5.Click on phpmyadmin
6.Make a new database and user for b3
7.Click on import tab after switching to the database you just created.
8.Import b3.sql from b3 folder/sql
9.Goto http://config.bigbrotherbot.net
10.Fill it but in game choose Modern Warfare 2 also the rcon port would be 11005 and the game log file is in you server directory/main
11.Download b3.xml
12.Navigate to conf folder where you extracted B3.
13.Copy the b3.xml you earlier download.
14.Open it with your favorite text editor.
15.change <set name="parser">cod6</set> to <set name="parser">cod8</set>
16.Copy cod8.py from plugins.rar to b3/parsers
17.Start your server
18.Load a map
19.Start b3
Change log(External Rcon 0.5):
0.1:Initial release
0.2:Bug fixes,no more console: and !map command works now
0.3:CodRCON support(others not tested but should work just remember the port is 11005) and some minor bugfixes.
0.4:CODRCON bugfixes,messages can be sent from ingame chat section and console view possible by setting CODRCON to 1
0.5:Security glitch fix and remove console spam
Change log(Chat viewer 0.1):
0.1:Initial release
0.2:fixed a bug

- B3(Yes, the real b3 with all it's glory)
- CODRcon with console view(See everything being printed on your server window in real time)
- Chat viewer (Included in attachments ,lets you view every chat )
- External RCON(The real RCON from COD4)
- games_mp.log(Same as in COD4 , to be used from B3 or MAM)
RCON port is 11005.Games_mp.log should be in main and also report the bugs.Chat viewer requires 3.5 so linux users will need to install mono.
How to Install B3 for Windows(Linux please look for other tutorials on the net also there are many other ways of doing this I prefer this method):
B3 Python source version - http://forum.bigbrotherbot.net/downloads...iew;down=4
XAMPP(or WAMP) - http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
1.Install XAMPP
2.Extract plugins.rar in your game-server directory's plugin folder.
3.Extract B3 anywhere you want.
4.Open any internet browser and navigate to localhost
5.Click on phpmyadmin
6.Make a new database and user for b3
7.Click on import tab after switching to the database you just created.
8.Import b3.sql from b3 folder/sql
9.Goto http://config.bigbrotherbot.net
10.Fill it but in game choose Modern Warfare 2 also the rcon port would be 11005 and the game log file is in you server directory/main
11.Download b3.xml
12.Navigate to conf folder where you extracted B3.
13.Copy the b3.xml you earlier download.
14.Open it with your favorite text editor.
15.change <set name="parser">cod6</set> to <set name="parser">cod8</set>
16.Copy cod8.py from plugins.rar to b3/parsers
17.Start your server
18.Load a map
19.Start b3
- To get server view in CODRcon type 'set CODRCON "1"'
- The RCON port is 11005
Change log(External Rcon 0.5):
0.1:Initial release
0.2:Bug fixes,no more console: and !map command works now
0.3:CodRCON support(others not tested but should work just remember the port is 11005) and some minor bugfixes.
0.4:CODRCON bugfixes,messages can be sent from ingame chat section and console view possible by setting CODRCON to 1
0.5:Security glitch fix and remove console spam
Spoiler (Click to View)
Change log(Chat viewer 0.1):
0.1:Initial release
0.2:fixed a bug