
Full Version: Resetting a "wait"?
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Alright so I'm 99% done with recreating the Cranked gamemode that was previewed & demoed in CoD: Ghosts.
The only issue left is resetting the wait time that I put in.
This is how I currently handle the timer:
    self endon("death");
    self.CrankedTime SetTimer( getDvarInt("scr_cranked_time") );
    wait getDvarInt("scr_cranked_time");
    self thread Cranked_Fail();
When a player gets a kill the SetTimer updates but the wait doesn't update so yeah... any help ^_^?
Can any mod close this, it was fixed by a friend. (2 lines really? lololol.)
At least post the solution for others. I'm going to guess it was:
time = getDvarInt("scr_cranked_time");
wait time;
Right after the end on death we put 'self notify ("iscranked"); self endon ("iscranked") ;