
Full Version: Kick people with space in name
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Currently ive made a !kick but it cant kick people that have space in their name
  1. if (Message.Substring(0, 5) == "!kick")
  2. {
  3. ServerCommand("kick " + Message.Substring(5));
  4. }
I hate once this idea.
I don't know how to make it and if it's possible.
kick them or ban them using !banc !kickc

use the anti name changer
(01-05-2013, 22:10)hillbilly Wrote: [ -> ]kick them or ban them using !banc !kickc

use the anti name changer

Is there a command for !banc and !kickc?
(01-05-2013, 22:11)99IRock Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2013, 22:10)hillbilly Wrote: [ -> ]kick them or ban them using !banc !kickc

use the anti name changer

Is there a command for !banc and !kickc?

It's in the GodPlugin and also easy to make
i use serveraddon, and i edited it to include !tempbanc, but !kickc and !banc are in there.

!help - Shows this list
!kick [Playername] (reason) - Kicks a player with optional reason
!ban [Playername] - Bans the player permanently
!banc [clientnumber] - Same as ban but with clientnumber
!kickc [clientnumber] (reason) - Kicks a player with optional reason
!tmpban [playername] (reason) - Tempban a player, length is the time in sv_config.ini
!pm [Playername] [message] - Pm's the player with [message]
!ping (playername) - Displays the ping of (playername) or you is no playername is given
!maxping - Displays the player with the highest ping
!minping - Displays the player with the lowest ping
!pi (Playername) - Displays the players name, xuid, warnings, and clientnumber, or all players if no name is used
!yell [Playername or all] [Message] - Displays message on the players hud
!warn [Playername] (reason) - Warns a player
!unwarn [Playername] (reason) - Removes a player's warning
!ver - Displays this plugin's version
!xuid - Displays your player XUID
!rcon [Command] - Executes [command] in the console
!resetconf - Resets the configuration to the defaults
!rel - Reloads all configs
!add [Groupname] [Playername] - Adds player to the admin group, groupname is case sensitive
!addword [Word] (word) (word) etc. - Adds the word(s) to the language filter
!fastrestart - Quickly restart the map
!addimmune [Playername] - Makes the player immune to all kick, warn, of ban commands of this plugin
!reserved - Kicks the players with the highest ping that is in the usergroup


New Commands:
!Get<.dspl name>now (ex. !getsdnow = loads Search and Destroy On Current Map)
!nextmap (ex. !nextmap = Shows what is coming on the next map)
!get1 , !get2 , !get3 (Loads Custom Gametypes SEE DSPL FILE NAMES)(also works instant (!get1now))

!get<.dspl name> ( ex. !gettdm = loads teamdeath match on next map rotate)
!map<mapname> ( ex. !mapdome = loads map of dome)
!say <message> ( ex. !say hi = prints "hi" on console)
!kick [Playername] (reason) - Kicks a player with optional reason
!ban [Playername] - Bans the player permanently
!banc [clientnumber] - Same as ban but with clientnumber
!kickc [clientnumber] (reason) - Kicks a player with optional reason
!tmpban [playername] (reason) - Tempban a player, length is the time in
!pm [Playername] [message] - Pm's the player with [message]
!ping (playername) - Displays the ping of (playername) or you is no playername
is given
!maxping - Displays the player with the highest ping
!minping - Displays the player with the lowest ping
!pl (Playername) - Displays the players name, xuid, warnings, and
clientnumber, or all players if no name is used
!y [Playername or all] [Message] - Displays message on the players hud
!warn [Playername] (reason) - Warns a player
!unwarn [Playername] (reason) - Removes a player's warning
!ver - Displays this plugin's version
!xuid - Displays your player XUID
!rcon [Command] - Executes [command] in the console
!resetconf - Resets the configuration to the defaults
!rel - Reloads all configs
!add [Groupname] [Playername] - Adds player to the admin group,
groupname is case sensitive
!addword [Word] (word) (word) etc. - Adds the word(s) to the language filter
!res - Real Fast restart
!addimmune [Playername] - Makes the player immune to all kick, warn, of ban commands of this plugin
!reserved - Kicks the players with the highest ping that is in the usergroup
!admin - shows admins present on the server.
!mr - rotates the map for changing gametype
The RCON command in console for kickc is kickClient / banClient / tempbanClient i use that alot but how do i check their client numbers ingame? so moderators can do it.. I dont want to use GodPlugin
For ingame rcon use status (this requires rcon password)

or and set permissions for mods Moderator_commands=!rules,!ping,!pi
use the cmd !pi to show current players names and xuid (serveradmin)
I dont have serveradmin or godplugin and im not getting it i need to make my own
in that case good luck
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