
Full Version: CODE i have try bad synax checker 2.2
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#include common_scripts\utility;
    #include maps\mp\_airsupport;
    #include maps\mp\_utility;
    #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
        self endon("dissconected");
        self endon("death");
        selfClientDvar("developer_script 1");
        selfClientDvar("player_sustainammo 1");
    self waittill("spawned_player" );
    selfClientDvar("give,weapon ak47_mp");
I never did BO coding but I know this is so wrong selfClientDvar("give,weapon ak47_mp");
use [code] tags, they are there for an obvious reason.
also moved..its a modding problem, not a mod tools request
I don't even.... This has so many syntax errors, I'm not even going to bother.