
Full Version: problem in warn code!!
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guys i have problem with this cod:

public bool warnPlayer(ServerClient client, string reason)
            int num = 0;
            reason = reason.Trim();
            reason = reasonParser(reason);
            string message = "";
            if (playerWarnings.TryGetValue(client.XUID, out num))
                if (num >= kickWarnings)
                    message = GetServerCFG("AdminPlug", "warnkickmessage", "[Admin]: <playername> was kicked for <reason>").Replace("<playername>", client.Name).Replace("<reason>", reason).Replace("<warningcount>", num.ToString());
                    ServerSay(message, true);
                    ServerCommand("kickclient " + client.ClientNum + " \"[Admin]: you kick for max warn rechead!!\"");
                    playerWarnings.Add(client.XUID, 0);
                    return true;
                if (num < kickWarnings)
                    playerWarnings.Add(client.XUID, num);
                    if (warningTime.ContainsKey(client.XUID))
                    warningTime.Add(client.XUID, DateTime.Now.AddHours(warningTTL));
                    message = GetServerCFG("AdminPlug", "warnmessage", "[Admin]: <playername> was warned for <reason>").Replace("<playername>", client.Name).Replace("<reason>", reason).Replace("<warningcount>", num.ToString());
                    //ServerCommand("kickclient " + client.ClientNum + " \"[Admin]: you kick for max warn rechead!!\"");
                    //base.ServerCommand("kickclient " + client.ClientNum);
                    ServerSay(message, true);
                    iPrintLnBold(string.Concat(new object[] { "[Admin]: You have been ^3Warned ^7for ^1", reason, " ^7Warning number:^1 ", num }), client);
           else if (!playerWarnings.TryGetValue(client.XUID, out num))
                playerWarnings.Add(client.XUID, 1);
                if (warningTime.ContainsKey(client.XUID))
                warningTime.Add(client.XUID, DateTime.Now.AddHours(warningTTL));
                iPrintLnBold(string.Concat(new object[] { "[Admin]: You have been ^3Warned ^7for ^1", reason, " ^7Warning number:^1 ", num }), client);
                //ServerCommand("kickclient " + client.ClientNum + " \"[Admin]: you kick for max warn rechead!!\"");
                message = GetServerCFG("AdminPlug", "warnmessage", "[Admin]: <playername> was kicked for <reason>").Replace("<playername>", client.Name).Replace("<reason>", reason).Replace("<warningcount>", num.ToString());
                ServerSay(message, true);
            return false;

In last else when i deactive this cod:

//ServerCommand("kickclient " + client.ClientNum + " \"[Admin]: you kick for max warn reached!!\"");

plug worked correctly and kiked player after 3 warn

but kick massege not showed after player kicked : you kick for max warn rechead!!

and when i active this code in last else:

ServerCommand("kickclient " + client.ClientNum + " \"[Admin]: you kick for max warn rechead!!\"");

after 1 warn player kicked (and its not correctly Because player must kicked after 3 warns) but now the warn massage : you kick for max warn rechead!!
showed to him after kicked !!

How i can to fix that plugin work for 3warns and also showed kick message : you kick for max warn rechead!!
I don't understand you at all...
it sould be like this :

ServerCommand("dropclient " + client.ClientNum + " \"[Admin]: you got kicked for max warn reachead!!"");
req close/