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Many of you have heard of this popular CoD game, but it would help to have a plugin to bring this game to life. We need a way so that once a player is on the "Mike" team (usually the bottom one) nobody else can join it. Survivors can't knife and basically have nothing. But Mike's knife WORKS, and he has tk. Could this be possible? -Pollar

Edit: almost forgot to mention that the last survivor is supposed to fight back against mike. So you would have to enable knifing for them once all the others have died, and give him a throwing knife.
Mind reminding me again what this was? Wasn't it that you have to run away until it was a 1v1 and then you can knife? If so then a simple dsr can be made. So this is what I'm thinking you want both sides to have NO weapon just a knife. Mike has a no ammo USP with a TK and the Survivors have a no ammo USP with nothing right?
why not go play it on blackops xD
This was a funny gamemode, but is very similar to infected Undecided
next time i make it i'll have custom myers models and anims and everything will be wins if bo2 has modtools
(05-31-2012, 02:50)DidUknowiPwn Wrote: [ -> ]Mind reminding me again what this was? Wasn't it that you have to run away until it was a 1v1 and then you can knife? If so then a simple dsr can be made. So this is what I'm thinking you want both sides to have NO weapon just a knife. Mike has a no ammo USP with a TK and the Survivors have a no ammo USP with nothing right?
Yes, kind of. The Survivors have no ammo, tk, and should not be ABLE to knife. Mike CAN knife and has a tk. Everyone hides and the last survivor fights Mike. The last survivor CAN Knife and NEEDS a tk to fight Mike with.. To make this fully functional, we would need a mod.
Ya.. You can easily create a dsr with those specs. But then you need a NoKnife plugin, and it needs to deactivate when there's 1 survior left.
Yes...but mike myers also needs the ability to knife...and you could choose who mike myers is like infected does...but when they die they go to spec like snd instead of other team...and the mike switches after every round and after mike team or survivor wins 4 rounds the map switches?
Can someone please create this?
Well we can't really do SHIT until the addon is updated...
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