
Full Version: <- Duh! HP Increase/Speed Increase
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Guys I was wondering I could get a plugin that sets the HP and Speed for let's say Infected *Wink* have 2x their HP. I have found the code but I just can't build it because of stupid CPlugin errors >_> *check xzombie mod jaydi's post for info* I want it to be randomized like this.
Random rand = new Random();
                switch (rand.Next(0, 4))
                    case 0:
                        iPrintLnBold("^5Your random zombie class is ^1Track Athlete", Client);
                        iPrintLnBold("^4Same HP, more speed", Client);
                        Client.Other.SpeedScale = (float)1.3;
                        Client.Other.Health += 110;
                    case 1:
                        iPrintLnBold("^5Your random zombie class is ^2Juggernaut zombie", Client);
                        iPrintLnBold("^4Jug Zombie have HP +50\"%\", less speed. ", Client);
                        Client.Other.SpeedScale = (float)0.75;
                        Client.Other.Health += 150;
                    case 2:
                        iPrintLnBold("^5Your random zombie class is ^1Usain Bolt", Client);
                        iPrintLnBold("^4You're Usain Bolt for this life.", Client);
                        Client.Other.SpeedScale = (float)1.5;
                        Client.Other.Health += 120;
                    case 3:
                        iPrintLnBold("^5Your random zombie class is ^1Normal Zombie", Client);
                        iPrintLnBold("^4No HP Increase nor Speed increase", Client);
                        Client.Other.SpeedScale = (float)1.0;
                        Client.Other.Health += 100;
*took it from JayDi's xZombie mod* I just keep getting errors if someone can create this for me and gives the source code I will be forever in your debt! +rep to whoever can get this done!
What's the error? The only thing I can see is that you didn't close the switch statement with a }
It's on JayDi's xZombie mods post and it's only a snippet of the rest of it.