
Full Version: [contest]Leipe GunGame
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(10-21-2011, 13:04)snilloconator Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-21-2011, 08:29)Dountill Wrote: [ -> ]You dont have tobdie for molotov. You can just throw them (yes, you indeed keep holding your weapon). The ballistic comes in twice to give people with lower level a change to compete up. Bots can be added by changing your config.if you have problems with that you.can find some tutorial or send me a pm.
We will take a look at some levels + bot support dont know when you can expect it (busy on school).

That still don't explain why we get stuck on certain weapons till we die. What I'm trying to say is you can not progress in the game if your on certain levels (like the uzi) until you die. You have to wait until you die...

I also don't understand you say you can add bots then the next line you say that your busy w/ school and you don't know when bot support can be expected.... Little confused.

You dont get stuck, you just keep your weapon in hand, but you have to use your grenade (i havent made it so far that if u made it to grenade, it takes away your weapon).

About the bots, if you just did a search you can see that you can add bots yourself, by editing your config file. Later on i will make it possible whene u got to less players to play, bots will show up instant. If you dont get this, please add me to steam.
seta scr_bot_difficulty "easy"
seta scr_bots_managed_all "4"
seta scr_bots_managed_spawn "4"
sv_maxclients "30"

I have added this to the config and can not get bots working at all.... Anyone?
BTW server crashed with 15 people in it again....?
Without a log, i wont be able to do a thing. other people also still got problems?
What @snillocontator (did i spell it right?) is trying to say you cant level up untill you die when you get to certain weapons (like Molotov and Sticky) you are able to throw them, you still hold the previous weapon, but you won't level up when you kill someone... You can only level up when you die once and kill someone after you died.
(Hope you understand what he's talking about)

Also the method to add bots just works in Private Match, not on a server. I've got a server running it but can't add Bots... Postet already a code to add bots with a count of players (for ex. 1 player = 5Bots)

(Here's the code again)
   for( ; ; )
    botNum = 0;
    players = level.players.size;
    teams = [];
    teams[0] = "allies";
    teams[1] = "axis";

    if( players <= 1 )
    botNum = 5;

    if( players = 2 )
    botNum = 4;
    if( players = 3 )
    botNum = 3;
    if( players == 4 )
    botNum = 2;
    if( players == 5 )
    botNum = 1;
    for( i = 0; i < botNum; i++ )
    wait 2;
    bot = AddTestClient();
    bot.pers[ "isBot" ] = true;
    bot thread maps\mp\gametypes\_bot::bot_spawn_think( teams[ randomInt( 2 ) ] );
  wait 0.01;}  
I already postet it on September 29. :X
Good work, leipheid op locatie Superman

I now have this brilliant mod (Leipe GunGame) tries to load on my server, but I only have 20 weapons to level up and then it's over. Somehow it also looks different than on other servers. It is lacking in me the weapons display at the bottom left.

Can you tell me what is my mistake?
There is unfortunately no config for this mod
Do I have to create one myself?

I hope you can help there.

PS: My English is not so good but hope you can understand it. I saw that you're from Holland. Maybe you can also GermanSmile

MFg Rickmaster1989
Think you did not load the mod from the omenu. But just started a regular gungame. There is no extra config needed Since it is in the mod. Hope you will help this. If not. Feel free to contact
I have downloaded the mod and run the remote console with the command g_gametype; map_rotate.
Now is also the mod, but with only 20 weapons. I would have the mod with the 57 or 60 weapons.
Shall I let our server IP there so you can connect times and you can watch it?

I will run the Mod of a Unranked Server.

How do I create a map rotation in the mod?
Hi everyone ..
I am trying to get this mod to work on our unranked Black Ops server. I have rename the mod to mp_GunGame and the folder it is on in the mods folder. I created a server.cfg file and have it listed as the config file in our Gameservers Mod panel.. I can't seem to get the server to list in the server browser.. Can Someone please give me a hand on getting this going? Any help would be greatly appreciated.. here is my server.cfg file... What am i doing wrong here?

seta sv_hostname "OurServerName"
seta rcon_password "*******"
seta g_password ""
seta g_gametype "gun"
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