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Release AntiRage for Infected Game Mode
Since I couldn't find one already on here I decided to make my own. It doesn't per say prevent raging but it should help reduce the amount of people raging.

Its pretty simple. When a human is killed it records when that client was killed. If that client disconnects it records that time as well. It will check the difference in seconds if its within the threshold of being considered as raging then take action on them.

With the new version, it can check kills as well. When a human is killed, it records the amount of kills they had at that time, when they disconnect it records their total kills. It will then check the difference from kills as a human from their total kills, if it doesn't meet the required amount action is taken upon them.

Place the antirage.dll into \plugins folder

Add to your sv_config.ini
// Command if client rages when in the threshold
// Following commands are valid: dropclient, kickclient, tempbanclient, banclient

// Threshold in seconds. If a player is killed by a zombie then disconnects
// Within this threshold the above action will be taken on them. Must be > 2 seconds

// Show messages in server to other players
// Good if you want other players to see what happens if they rage

// Minimum kills if condition is set to 2, 3, or 4
// Version 0.2 and Later

// Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4 (1 = Time)(2 = Kills)(3=Both Time and Kills)(4 = Either time or kills)
// Version 0.2 and Later

// Ignore these XUIDs. Plugin will never take action on them.
// Use the format XUID,XUID,XUID
// Version 0.3 and Later

//Custom Message // Version 0.4 And Later
// Must contain @Name for client names to be inputed there
// Can contain @Action if you want it to say kicked or temporarily banned
// depending on the command you have used.
// EX: ^1@Name ^7made the mistake of raging, they've now been ^1@Action
// EX: Next time ^1@Name ^7should not get so angry and leave too quickly


// For multiple messages use the following example
// Messages are split by /
// customMessage=^1@Name ^7made the mistake of raging, they've now been ^1@Action^7/Next time ^1@Name ^7should not get so angry and leave too quickly/^1[ANTIRAGE]^7 Player ^1@Name ^7 was ^1@Action ^7 for raging!

Command, can be any of the four mentioned above. This action is taken on them if they're within the threshold. If set to dropclient, nothings done to the client as they have left and therefore you cannot drop a client thats gone. However good if used for a dummy warning and show message is enabled. This way other players will think they were kicked for raging.

Threshold, in seconds. Must be greater than 2 seconds.

Show, can be true or false. If true it will show the following message to all players in the server:
[ANTIRAGE] Action was taken on player <Name> for raging.

Required Kills, range > 0. If a player does not meet the required kills as a zombie then action is taken on them. Only works if condition is set to 2,3, or 4.

1 = Check by time only
2 = Check by kills only
3 = Check either time or kills, if they don't meet one of those then action is taken on them
(Example: Time = 30 seconds and kills = 1, if they leave after 60 seconds but never got a kill, then action is taken on them)
4 = Check both time and kills, if they don't meet both of those then action is taken on them
(Example: Time = 30 seconds and kills = 1, if they leave after 60 seconds but never got a kill, then nothing is done to them. If they leave after 20 seconds and never got a kill, then action is taken on them. )

Ignore XUIDs:
Listed XUIDs will be ignored if they rage.
Use the following format: XUID,XUID,XUID

Custom Messages:
Instead of a default message which has been removed, server owners can set their own message or messages to be displayed when actions is taken upon a player.
There can be multiple messages which the plugin will randomly use.
Each message needs at least @Name for the player name. @Action will display the action taken upon the player, but it is not required.

Examples of Messages:
^1@Name ^7made the mistake of raging, they've now been ^1@Action
Next time ^1@Name ^7should not get so angry and leave too quickly

Multiple Messages which are split by /:
^1@Name ^7made the mistake of raging, they've now been ^1@Action^7/Next time ^1@Name ^7should not get so angry and leave too quickly/^1[ANTIRAGE]^7 Player ^1@Name ^7 was ^1@Action ^7 for raging!

Upon server load, the plugin will print to the server console, if successful, the following:
[ANTIRAGE] Command set to: <command> | Show Message set to <boolean>
[ANTIRAGE] Required kills set to: <Required Kills>
[ANTIRAGE] Threshold set to: <seconds> seconds | Conditions set to: <conditions>
[ANTIRAGE] Successfully added <#> XUIDs.
[ANTIRAGE] Custom Message(s) have been added!

Custom message has been added

.zip (Size: 3.89 KB / Downloads: 223)

You can now add XUIDs to be ignored

.rar   antiRage0-3.rar (Size: 3.51 KB / Downloads: 119)

[0.2] - No longer supported
* Check if zombies have enough kills
* Set conditions (read above for further info)

.rar   antiRage0-2.rar (Size: 3.22 KB / Downloads: 53)

[0.1] - No longer supported
Initial Release

.rar   antiRage.rar (Size: 2.8 KB / Downloads: 50)

Any problems post them here...
If you post useless posts such as "Doesn't work" then I will ignore it

so if they leave the game within 60 sec they get kicked on rejoin? is this same map? next map for how long?

as i already have the no-reconnect, you say

"If that client disconnects it records that time as well. It will check the difference in seconds if its within the threshold of being considered as raging then take action on them"

if they have already disconnected then it kicks them when for how long exactly? and is this via their xuid or just name?
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

[Image: b_560_95_1.png]


No, if they disconnect and its set to kickclient or banclient, then it will tempban or permaban.
Dropclient doesnt really do anything as they have already left the game, but you can use that as a dummy warning so the rest of the server thinks they were kicked when nothing was done.

so the cmd tempban is supported?
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]

[Image: b_560_95_1.png]


So you are telling me that now we are not allowed to leave the game when we want? Dumb Bitch
[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

tempbanclient is yes. I will add that to the original post.

@G-Man, its to basically reduce the people who rage after they're killed as human. As I always say, if you can't stand playing as a zombie, dont bother playing zombie mod.

At first I wrote big message and then I thought that it was not the right place for philosophy so just - if a person ragequits after being killed he will probably go to another server and never return back. And vice versa if a person has this server in favourites and he always returns there - he will probably not ragequit/connect every time he gets killed, but play mature and enjoy the server community. Either way, why the fuck did he favourite it? Smile
[Image: r212360a129ce9b84444093b6cd2699013a1fbn155.png]

(01-02-2013, 08:13)G-Man Wrote: At first I wrote big message and then I thought that it was not the right place for philosophy so just - if a person ragequits after being killed he will probably go to another server and never return back. And vice versa if a person has this server in favourites and he always returns there - he will probably not ragequit/connect every time he gets killed, but play mature and enjoy the server community. Either way, why the fuck did he favourite it? Smile

You'd be surprised those who rage quit from a server to return to it 10-20 minutes later cause they wanted to wait to the next round so they wouldn't have to play as a zombie.

Generally speaking though as you said if they are mature and they enjoy the server/community then they wont rage quit and this plugin wont affect them.

Sidenote: I was thinking of writing this to a database to keep track of how many times a persons raged therefore allowing a server's administrator to permanently ban them if deemed necessary (Chronic rage quitters get annoying fast and basically they add nothing to the battle).

Double Sidenote: I may also add a check to see if they have a kill as a zombie before it decides to kick them. As in have it check if they have a kill or more or if theyre not in the threshold... anyways 1am, ill play with it tomorrow.

Updated, read main post for more info.

(01-02-2013, 08:16)yokai134 Wrote:
(01-02-2013, 08:13)G-Man Wrote: At first I wrote big message and then I thought that it was not the right place for philosophy so just - if a person ragequits after being killed he will probably go to another server and never return back. And vice versa if a person has this server in favourites and he always returns there - he will probably not ragequit/connect every time he gets killed, but play mature and enjoy the server community. Either way, why the fuck did he favourite it? Smile

You'd be surprised those who rage quit from a server to return to it 10-20 minutes later cause they wanted to wait to the next round so they wouldn't have to play as a zombie.

Generally speaking though as you said if they are mature and they enjoy the server/community then they wont rage quit and this plugin wont affect them.

Sidenote: I was thinking of writing this to a database to keep track of how many times a persons raged therefore allowing a server's administrator to permanently ban them if deemed necessary (Chronic rage quitters get annoying fast and basically they add nothing to the battle).

Double Sidenote: I may also add a check to see if they have a kill as a zombie before it decides to kick them. As in have it check if they have a kill or more or if theyre not in the threshold... anyways 1am, ill play with it tomorrow.

Ya so many people ragequit on your server yokai.... Horrible
[Image: uCZ3X.gif]

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