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Help AimAngle/AimFOV for autoaim possible?
Could someone help me getting like an Aimangle / AimFOV for this autoaim please?
--> kill closest enemy to crosshair when im shooting next to him like 3 - 5 degree.

visibilty check and random aimbone whould be nice too ;P but most important for me is aimangle/fov Big Grin

because atm it's like i can shoot ANYwhere and get 1 or more headshot kills and this kinda sucks ;D

        self endon( "death" );
        self endon( "disconnect" );

                wait 0.01;
                aimAt = undefined;
                foreach(player in level.players)
                        if( (player == self) || (level.teamBased && self.pers["team"] == player.pers["team"]) || ( !isAlive(player) ) )
            //if( !bulletTracePassed( self getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ), player getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ), false, self ) )
            //  continue;
                        if( isDefined(aimAt) )
                                if( closer( self getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ), player getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ), aimAt getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ) ) )
                                        aimAt = player;
                                aimAt = player;
                if( isDefined( aimAt ) )
                        //self setplayerangles( VectorToAngles( ( aimAt getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ) ) - ( self getTagOrigin( "pelvis" ) ) ) );
                        if( self AttackButtonPressed() ){
                                aimAt thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]] ( self, self, 2147483600, 8, "MOD_HEAD_SHOT", self getCurrentWeapon(), (0,0,0), (0,0,0), "pelvis", 0 );

Hi .Smoke
Also, >faking clips >y0l0feed >asking for gsc help for such a stupid function which could basically be an aimbot
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
[Image: UGPjFJa.jpg]

yes but i want it with gsc "silent aim" lol
so pls shh


It will only aim targets on fov OMA

ye saw that one already but it has lockon ;D
i need with the code i posted and fov ;P silent aim style Wink

nvm Tongue
some1 close this thread? found something else Wink

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