
Full Version: mw2 tactical insertion fx on head?
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Hey guys i need a help.
I am making juggernaut for zombie mode and i want to get the tact insertion's "flares" on the head is it possible? ty for helpBig Grin
it is my thread but dont workAngry
self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
self.maxhealth = 170; = self.maxhealth;
self setModel( "mp_body_us_army_riot" );
while (1) {

fx = loadfx( "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green" );

Body0 = SpawnFX(fx, self getTagOrigin("tag_weapon_left"));
Body1 = SpawnFX(fx, self getTagOrigin("j_head"));
Body2 = SpawnFX(fx, self getTagOrigin("tag_weapon_right"));
Body3 = SpawnFX(fx, self getTagOrigin("back_mid"));
Body4 = SpawnFX(fx, self getTagOrigin("torso_stabilizer"));
Body5 = SpawnFX(fx, self getTagOrigin("pelvis"));

Body0 Delete();
wait 0.5;

Body1 Delete(Body1);
wait 0.5;

Body2 Delete();
wait 0.5;

Body3 Delete();
wait 0.5;

Body4 Delete();
wait 0.5;

Body5 Delete();
fx = loadFx( "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green" );
playFxOnTag( fx, self, "j_head" );
i've tried this way but nothing happens Sad

it works i did something wrong thanks u are awesomeBig Grin
Just a headsup I don't know if all maps will support this model: mp_body_us_army_riot
So check _class.gsc or whever the model selection code is and use that.
As DUKIP said, that model might not work. Try this instead:

self [[game["allies_model"]["RIOT"]]]();

Feel free to change to "axis" instead of "allies" for the enemy team model.
yes i know i made it for every single map already just the fx was the problem