02-12-2013, 19:36
hi there, i had worked at an plugin (yes u maybe know this code) but i'm still an newbie.
with this.
the bugs i had found is on village will i'm not be teleported, and on seatown will i be teleported, but to wrong positions. any help to fix this??
PHP Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Timers;
using Addon;
namespace undermap
public class spectate : CPlugin
Timer OneSecondInterval = new Timer();
List<ServerClient> Teleport = new List<ServerClient>();
List<int> TeleportIn = new List<int>();
Dictionary<string, List<Vector>> Spawn = new Dictionary<string, List<Vector>>();
Dictionary<string, int> Requests = new Dictionary<string, int>();
static Random rnd = new Random();
int TimeBeforeTeleport = 2;
int TeleportRequests = 0;
private void setSpawnPoints()
List<Vector> temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-271.3662f, 266.284f, -520.870f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-2263.284f, 949.1547f, -210.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-2938.689f, -6255.507f, -260.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-3638.923f, 5949.7f, 259.9276f));
Spawn.Add("mp_dome", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-7899.75537f, -759.5192f, -351.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-341.7238f, 1448.964f, -351.875f));
Spawn.Add("mp_exchange", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-44.36094f, -1280.527f, 140.55347f));
temp.Add(new Vector(920.0093f, 1231.334f, 135.8516f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-1428.351f, -102.2619f, 507.9496f));
Spawn.Add("mp_aground_ss", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-6171.717f, 2894.179f, 1120.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-6585.529f, -260.9605f, 2682.154f));
temp.Add(new Vector(14652.04f, -8786.891f, 1738.83f));
Spawn.Add("mp_radar", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-32.43702f, 2558.124f, -120.875f));
Spawn.Add("mp_mogadishu", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(114.1973f, -160.3532f, -223.875f));
Spawn.Add("mp_bootleg", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-1977.2677f, -3643.704f, 3560.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-12065.58f, -252.4027f, -7423.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-1206.419f, -2960.737f, -767.8751f));
Spawn.Add("mp_carbon", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-1209.148f, 1847.2f, -55.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(1104.961f, -759.7462f, 265.7924f));
Spawn.Add("mp_alpha", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-226.2296f, -3242.486f, 0.1249986f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-1069.226f, -2045.814f, 0.1249996f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-582.5754f, 1011.445f, 620.2016f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-5161.83f, 3684.327f, 768.755f));
this.Spawn.Add("mp_paris", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(3227.455f, -469.4347f, 608.125f));
Spawn.Add("mp_plaza2", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(587.1492f, 670.2912f, -1023.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-582.5754f, 1011.445f, 620.2016f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-2265.172f, -513.6675f, 62.5587f));
Spawn.Add("mp_seatown", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(899.2142f, -1429.847f, 8.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(79.62947f, 863.9869f, 8.125f));
Spawn.Add("mp_hardhat", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(3997.784f, 2506.632f, -2303.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(000f, 000f, -105f));
Spawn.Add("mp_interchange", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-1315.92f, -1311.651f, -1727.875f));
Spawn.Add("mp_courtyard_ss", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-44.36094f, -1280.527f, 140.55347f));
temp.Add(new Vector(920.093f, 1231.334f, 135.8516f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-1428.351f, -102.2619f, 507.9496f));
Spawn.Add("mp_aground_ss", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(586.6773f, 915.8278f, -191.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-1452.202f, -2557.197f, 704.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(966.3498f, 350.3349f, -191.875f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-416.5663f, -3732.969f, 1344.125f));
Spawn.Add("mp_village", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(1160.039f, 39.55522f, 128.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(1008.875f, 880.8221f, 0.1250042f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-2253.238f, 416.5072f, 101.6263f));
Spawn.Add("mp_seatown", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-18324.55f, 1122.394f, 704.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-17807.55f, -18404.08f, 704.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(14277.75f, -15290.69f, 704.125f));
Spawn.Add("mp_bravo", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(304f, -213f, -420));
Spawn.Add("mp_alpha", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(-18324.55f, 1122.394f, 704.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-17807.55f, -18404.08f, 704.125f));
temp.Add(new Vector(14277.75f, -15290.69f, 704.125f));
Spawn.Add("mp_bravo", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(630.1912f, 12038.72f, -145.6458f));
temp.Add(new Vector(2004.319f, 3631.84f, -150.1404f));
Spawn.Add("mp_underground", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(2998.332f, 6793.157f, -162.6727f));
temp.Add(new Vector(1796.947f, -3192.199f, -462.0486f));
temp.Add(new Vector(15630f, 2160f, -414f));
temp.Add(new Vector(-1005f, -989f, -354f));
Spawn.Add("mp_lambeth", temp);
temp = new List<Vector>();
temp.Add(new Vector(2620.134f, 6179.184f, 192f));
temp.Add(new Vector(3703.275f, 2882.768f, 61.00654f));
Spawn.Add("mp_terminal_cls", temp);
private List<Vector> getRandomSpawn()
String map = GetDvar("mapname");
if (map == "mp_alpha")
return Spawn["mp_alpha"];
else if (map == "mp_dome")
return Spawn["mp_dome"];
else if (map == "mp_terminal_cls")
return Spawn["mp_terminal_cls"];
else if (map == "mp_bootleg")
return Spawn["mp_bootleg"];
else if (map == "mp_bravo")
return Spawn["mp_bravo"];
else if (map == "mp_terminal_cls")
return Spawn["mp_terminal_cls"];
else if (map == "mp_carbon")
return Spawn["mp_carbon"];
else if (map == "mp_exchange")
return Spawn["mp_exchange"];
else if (map == "mp_hardhat")
return Spawn["mp_hardhat"];
else if (map == "mp_interchange")
return Spawn["mp_interchange"];
else if (map == "mp_lambeth")
return Spawn["mp_lambeth"];
else if (map == "mp_mogadishu")
return Spawn["mp_mogadishu"];
else if (map == "mp_paris")
return Spawn["mp_paris"];
else if (map == "mp_plaza2")
return Spawn["mp_plaza2"];
else if (map == "mp_radar")
return Spawn["mp_radar"];
else if (map == "mp_seatown")
return Spawn["mp_seatown"];
else if (map == "mp_underground")
return Spawn["mp_underground"];
else if (map == "mp_village")
return Spawn["mp_village"];
else if (map == "mp_courtyard_ss")
return Spawn["mp_courtyard_ss"];
else if (map == "mp_aground_ss")
return Spawn["mp_aground_ss"];
return null;
private void spawnRandom(ServerClient c)
List<Vector> spawns = getRandomSpawn();
Vector newLocation = spawns[rnd.Next(spawns.Count)];
setPos(c, newLocation);
public override void OnServerLoad()
OneSecondInterval.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(SecondHandler);
OneSecondInterval.Interval = 1000;
OneSecondInterval.Enabled = true;
TimeBeforeTeleport = Int32.Parse(GetServerCFG("undermap", "TimeBeforeTeleport", "0"));
TeleportRequests = Int32.Parse(GetServerCFG("undermap", "TeleportRequests", "0"));
public override void OnMapChange()
public override void OnFastRestart()
private void setPos(ServerClient c, Vector v)
c.OriginX = v.X;
c.OriginY = v.Y;
c.OriginZ = v.Z;
public override ChatType OnSay(string Message, ServerClient Client)
if (Message.ToUpper().StartsWith("!UNDERMAP"))
if (TeleportRequests <= 0)
base.iPrintLnBold("^1You will be teleported to an Undermaping spot in " + TimeBeforeTeleport + " ^2Seconds.", Client);
if (!Requests.ContainsKey(Client.Name))
Requests.Add(Client.Name, TeleportRequests - 1);
//iPrintLnBold("Teleporting in " + TimeBeforeTeleport + " Seconds. You can teleport "+Requests[Client.Name]+" times more.", Client);
int i = Requests[Client.Name];
if (i == 0)
iPrintLnBold("You cannot teleport anymore for this map!", Client);
Requests[Client.Name] = i - 1;
//iPrintLnBold("Teleporting you to a random Location in " + TimeBeforeTeleport + " Seconds. You can teleport " + Requests[Client.Name] + " times more.", Client);
return ChatType.ChatNone;
return ChatType.ChatContinue;
public void SecondHandler(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i != TeleportIn.Count; )
if (TeleportIn[i] <= 0)
PHP Code:
using System;
using Addon;
namespace Addon
public class Boxes : CPlugin // : CPlugin
int ent = 0;
public override ChatType OnSay(String Message, ServerClient Client, bool Teamchat)
if (Message == "!noclip") // Lets you fly
Client.Other.NoClip = !Client.Other.NoClip;
return ChatType.ChatNone;
if (Message.ToLower().StartsWith("!spawnbox"))// This will spawn a new box, that is the command (cmd u have) if u change it to will u type !spawnbox on it.
int ent = 0;
float locationX = Client.OriginX;
float locationY = Client.OriginY; //here u got same, it is here u get the code to add boxes here.
float locationZ = Client.OriginZ;
Entity entdefault = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(locationX, locationY, locationZ));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(entdefault, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
ServerPrint("Entity ent" + ent + " = SpawnModel(" + "script_model" + "," + "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly" + "," + "new Vector(" + locationX + "f" + "," + locationY + "f" + "," + locationZ + "f" + "))" + ";");
Client.OriginZ += 45f;//height at which you will appear above new box
return ChatType.ChatNone;
//int ent = 0;
else if (Message.ToLower().StartsWith("!ent")) // this is for changing the entity number if you restarted the server or placed a box in the wrong location
string[] split = Message.Split(' ');
ent = int.Parse(split[1]);
return ChatType.ChatContinue;
if (Message == "!pos") // shows position here u get the position so u know at which position u are.
ServerPrint(Client.Name + "is on the position X: " + Client.OriginX + " Y: " + Client.OriginY + " Z: " + Client.OriginZ); // Serverprints the coords
TellClient(Client.ClientNum, "You are on the position X: " + Client.OriginX + " Y: " + Client.OriginY + " Z: " + Client.OriginZ, true); // Send a message to client
return ChatType.ChatNone;
return ChatType.ChatContinue;
public override void OnMapChange() // The event OnMapChange
string map = GetDvar("mapname");
if (map == "mp_dome") // In this case I use dome to close off the stairs here u can spawn boxes.look here, wait
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-2938f, -6255f, -310f));
Entity ent1 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-2263f, 949f, -356f));
Entity ent2 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-271f, 266f, -565f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId()); // Makes the entity domeleft solid
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent1, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId()); //
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent2, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
//Now to rotate
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));// left at default
Extensions.SetAngles(ent1, new Vector(0, 45, 0));// this will rotate 45 degrees
Extensions.SetAngles(ent2, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_paris")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(-752f, -3125f, 825f)); // spawns new boxes
Entity ent1 = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(-324f, -3125f, 825f));
Entity ent2 = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(-420f, -3125f, 825f));
Entity ent3 = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(-584f, 1014f, 580f));
Entity ent4 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-5161f, 3684f, 723f));
Entity ent5 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-5161f,3684f,723f));// now i'll add an new box.
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent1, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent2, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent3, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent4, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent1, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent2, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent3, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent4, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
}// if u want to have an new map u need an } and type this as an example... and start as with an { u k
if (map == "mp_aground_ss")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(920.0093f, 1231.334f, 90.85156f));
Entity ent1 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-44.36094f,-1280.527f, 97.55347f));
Entity ent2 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-1428.351f, -102.2619f, 462.9496f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent1, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent2, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent1, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent2, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_terminal_cls")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(3703f, 2882f, 16f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_lambeth")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(1796f, -3192, -507f));
Entity ent1 = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(-1005f, -989f, -394f));
Entity ent2 = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(15630f, 2160f, -454f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent2, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent1, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent2, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_underground")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(2004f, 3631f, -195f));
Entity ent1 = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(630f, 12038f, -190f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent1, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent1, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_radar")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(14652f, -8786f, 1693f));
Entity ent1 = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(-6585f, -260f, 2637f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent1, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
Extensions.SetAngles(ent1, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_alpha")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model","com_plasticcase_trap_friendly",new Vector(1104f, -759f, 225f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));
if (map == "mp_seatown")
Entity ent = SpawnModel("script_model", "com_plasticcase_trap_friendly", new Vector(-2245f, 425f, 62f));
Extensions.CloneBrushModelToScriptModel(ent, Extensions.FindAirdropCrateCollisionId());
Extensions.SetAngles(ent, new Vector(0, 0, 0));