
Full Version: [OPN SRC - WORK IN PROGRESS] Private Glass of Water with Hard Drive Wiper
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[Image: 100_0337.jpg]

     _ _                           _                          
    (_) |                         | |                        
     _| |_ ___ _ __ ___   ___   __| |___   ___ ___  _ __ ___  
    | | __/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` / __| / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
    | | |_\__ \ | | | | | (_) | (_| \__ \| (_| (_) | | | | | |
    |_|\__|___/_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___(_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|

    Copyleft(c) 2011 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
    made for SuperNovaAO
    Special thanks to TheAdmin

// BaseEntity.h
CBaseEntity             = GetLifeformEntity( "BASE_LIFE_ENTITY008", "lifeforms.dll" );

// Water.h
#include "BaseEntity.h"

CBaseEntity WaterEnt    = DeriveEntFromBase( "ent_water" );

struct WaterStruct
    atom Oxygen;
    atom *Hydrogen;

// CD.h
#include "BaseEntity.h"

CBaseEntity DiscEnt     = DeriveEntFromBase( "ent_compactdisc" );

struct CompactDisc
    layer Polycarbonate;
    layer ShinyLayer;
    layer *Lacquer;

// DLLMain.cpp
#include "Water.h"
#include "CD.h"

void __stdcall ApplyWaterToDisc( CBaseEntity WaterEnt, float WaterQuantity, CBaseEntity DiscEnt )
    return DiscEnt->ApplySubstance( WaterEnt, reinterpret_cast<*cubic_meters>( WaterQuantity ) );

u have to reverse life.exe to get the offets n shit

polease note that this data currently underwrites data permanently

please note that my moms coffee mug in the background is a bug and is unwanted in the final edition its there cuys i wanted a big hot chocolate and my mugs r small Sad

demonstration of the final production::[/b][/b]

[Image: 49771bcf54810f3d7f131e06075be6e3.png]

omfg ban this mother fucker!
This guy sure doesn't live in a basement, worshipping his mother.
It is the first time I see a guy madder than met
now has a cool green glass font and windows 7 support

[Image: 100_0339.jpg]
lol get it windows 7 support cus its supporting da gl4ss
Epic topic nr 2.
To be honoust there are 2 things:
- This guy is epic funny.
- He has nothing better to do.
4Fun will be jealous coz you are actually doing something Lol!
babys first camera
6,110 views wtf
Pages: 1 2