
Full Version: server commands
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if (Message.StartsWith("!kick"))
                // GUID STUFF THERE
                if (Client.XUID == "01100001051ba083" || Client.XUID == "0110000103cc6058" || Client.XUID == "0110000105fee0a3" || Client.XUID == "011000010536ce88")
                    List<ServerClient> clients = new List<ServerClient>();
                    clients = GetClients();
                    if (clients != null && clients.Count > 0) // there's must be MORE than 0 players
                        foreach (ServerClient s in GetClients())
                            if (s.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(Message.Substring(5).ToLower()))

                                ServerPrint("kicking \"" + Message.Substring(5).ToString() + "\"");
                                ServerCommand("kick \"" + Message.Substring(5).ToString() + "\"");

I would like to know more about commands: ban,warning,3d person...