
Full Version: Help me with a code (who knows)
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hey hello help me, is possible to make what axis (zombie)
I want to make that zombies could use for example riotshield only once for the death . you can give an approximate code on it? who knows . thanks Smile

using System;
using Addon;
using System.Timers;

namespace plugin_test_BlackDay
    //" : CPlugin"     Black Day
    public class plugin_test_BlackDay : CPlugin
        //    Black Day
        bool mp5 = false;
        public override void OnMapChange()
            mp5 = false;

        public override void OnServerLoad()
            ServerPrint("**NyZzE Black Day_Load**");

        public void NyZzEFunc(ServerClient Client)
            iPrintLnBold("^1|akimbo Load ^2" + Client.Name + "", null);
            int mp5 = GetWeapon("iw5_riotshield_mp");
            Client.Other.MaxHealth = 170;
            Client.Other.Health = 170;

        public override ChatType OnSay(string Message, ServerClient Client)
            ServerPrint("Player " + Client.Name + "said " + Message);
            if (Client.Team == Teams.Allies)
                if (Message == "!1")
                    if (mp5 == true)
                        return ChatType.ChatNone;
                    else if (mp5 == false)
                        TellClient(Client.ClientNum, "^1", true);
                        return ChatType.ChatNone;
            else if (Client.Team == Teams.Axis)
                if (Message == "!1")
                    TellClient(Client.ClientNum, "^1", true);
                    return ChatType.ChatNone;
            return ChatType.ChatContinue;