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I just wrote code which will tell you next map!
You can replace GetServerCfg and split char to space if you want to use sv_maprotation var.

It will tell full map name. ( Not mp_dome or mp_alpha etc )

Oh, and remove unsafe if you don't need it.
public unsafe string GetNextMap()
            ServerPrint("[KillMe V1.0] Getting nextmap..... ");
            string s = GetServerCFG("KillMe", "maprotation", null);

            string nextmap = string.Empty;

            String[] maps = s.Split(new Char[] { ',' });
            for (int i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                // getting current map
                if (maps[i] == GetDvar("mapname"))
                    if (maps.Length >= i + 1)
                        nextmap = maps[1];
                        nextmap = maps[i + 1];
            ServerPrint("[KillMe V1.0] Next map is " + nextmap);
            string sortedmapname = nextmap.Substring(3); // skip 'mp_'
            string mapname_prefix = "MPUI_";

            // some maps
            if (sortedmapname == "alpha")
                sortedmapname = "LOCKDOWN"; // we'll get MPUI_LOCKDOWN
            string mapname = mapname_prefix + "" + sortedmapname.ToUpper();
            return mapname; // Returns full map name