
Full Version: [release] Slender Mod
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ok so the game is in mega beta but i need to get it tested before i proceed, it doesnt need much explaining, just test it or dont.

#include common_scripts\utility;

#include maps\mp\_airsupport;
#include maps\mp\_utility;

#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;

    thread onPlayerConnect();
    thread onPlayerConnected();
    setDvar( "didyouknow", "Welcome To ^1Slender Mod!" );

    level waittill( "connecting", player );
    level.slender = level.players[randomInt(level.players.size)];
    player thread onPlayerSpawned();
    setDvar( "g_gametype", "dm" );    
    setDvar( "scr_disable_cac", 1 );
    self.CreditBar = self createBar( "black", 30, 10000 );
    self.CreditBar setPoint( "CENTER", "TOP", 0, 0 );
    self.CreditText = self createFontString( "objective", 2.2 );
    self.CreditText setPoint( "CENTER", "TOP", 0, 0 );
           self.CreditText setText( "Slender Mod" );
        if( i == 5)
            self.CreditText setText( "Made By Tony" );
        else if( i == 10 )
            self.CreditText setText( "Slender Mod" );
            i = 0;
        self.CreditText.color = ( randomInt( 255 )/255, randomInt( 255 )/255, randomInt( 255 )/255 );
        wait 1;


        level waittill( "connected", player );
        player thread MonitorS();

        self waittill( "spawned_player" );
        self clearPerks();
        self takeAllWeapons();
        self setClientDvar( "ammoCounterHide", 1 );
        self setClientDvar( "actionSlotsHide", 1 );
        self setClientDvar( "ui_xpText", 0 );
        self setClientDvar( "g_speed", 70 );
        self setClientDvar( "scr_game_killstreaks", 0 );
        self setClientDvar( "scr_game_forceuav", 0 );
        self setClientDvar( "scr_dm_numlives", 1 );
        if( self == level.slender)
            self setClientDvar( "r_colormap", 1 );
            self setClientDvar("r_specularRoughnessMap", 3);
            self setClientDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 0.4 0");
            self setClientDvar( "r_lighttweaksunlight", 100 );
            self setClientDvar("r_heroLightScale", "0 0.6 0");
            self setClientDvar("r_skyColorTemp", "25000");
            self setClientDvar("r_colormap", 0 );
            self setClientDvar("r_specularRoughnessMap", 0);
            self setClientDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 0 0");
            self setClientDvar("r_lighttweaksunlight", "0.991101 0.947308 0.760525" );
            self setClientDvar("r_heroLightScale", "1 1 1");
            self setClientDvar("r_skyColorTemp", "6500");

        if( self CanSee( level.slender ) && Distance( self.origin, level.slender.origin )<5000 )
            if( Distance( self.origin, level.slender.origin )<3000 )
                MagicBullet( "concussion_grenade_mp", self.origin, self.origin )
            dist = Distance( self.origin, level.slender.origin );
            newH = (dist/50)-110;    
            wait .5;
        else if( Distance( self.origin, level.slender.origin )<500 )
            MagicBullet( "concussion_grenade_mp", self.origin, self.origin )
            wait 2.5;    
            self suicide();
cool idea, mind creating a video?
(09-10-2012, 21:06)JariZ Wrote: [ -> ]cool idea, mind creating a video?

Unfortunately i cannot, this was made wii and i do not own blops for the pc. but this should work on pc with no problems Smile

Until i find someone who will record it for me im unale to add any footage sorry

also this isnt done, i still need to add a way for the game to end and a couple other goodies (i.e. bunkers, and objectives to make it more interesting)
OK, thanks either way.
Dvars starting with g_ or scr_ are most likely game dvars, meaning it will affect everyone in the server. Also, you should force the other players to one team and slenderman to his team + disable team changing. And as far as I know, you can't use grenades in magicbullet. So you would have to make a function.

Apart from that, nice job!
(09-11-2012, 15:39)Rendflex Wrote: [ -> ]Dvars starting with g_ or scr_ are most likely game dvars, meaning it will affect everyone in the server. Also, you should force the other players to one team and slenderman to his team + disable team changing. And as far as I know, you can't use grenades in magicbullet. So you would have to make a function.

Apart from that, nice job!

you can...MagicGrenade only works in sp, so in the past cods magic bullet has been altered to allow grenades

It works on wii thats all i know
nice one mate!