
Full Version: Anti-Invisible Name
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//Command to be executed, kickClient, tempBanClient or banClient
//Message to be displayed when an action is taken, valid placeholders {0} - name and {1} xuid
ServerMsg=User was name bad!
//Message to be displayed to the client who is being kicked
CommandMsg=Change you name (use 0-9 and a-Z)
CommandMsg1=Same ID,Change you ID

i need to autokick xuid 0000000000000000
it really annoying, it always cause all being ban.[/quote]
sorry for my poor english.
modify version
//Command to be executed, kickClient, tempBanClient or banClient

//Message to be displayed to the client who is being kicked
CommandMsg=Change you name (use 0-9 and a-Z)

//message to be dispalyed to the xuid e70d9398 deny connect
CommandMsg1=Error ID,Please change you ID.

//deny bad xuid connect

--------source code--------
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
//using System.IO;
//using System.Threading;
//using System.Timers;
using Addon;

namespace ASCIIName
    public class Class_Asciiname : CPlugin
        string command = "dropClient";
        string commandMsg = string.Empty;
           string commandMsg1 = string.Empty;
        string commandMsg2 = "You is a bad Player,deny connect";
        string badPlayers1 = "01100001e70d9398";
        List<string> badPlayers = new List<string>();
        List<string> allplayers = new List<string>();
        List<string> allplayers_name = new List<string>();
        List<ServerClient> clientss = new List<ServerClient>();

        public override void OnServerLoad()
                ServerPrint("ASCIIName loaded Author: zxz0O0 Thanks to Nukem, Jariz and Pozzuh\n and AntiInvisibleName plug mod ljp");
                command = GetServerCFG("ASCIIName", "Command", "dropClient");    
            catch (Exception e)
        public override void OnPlayerConnect(ServerClient Client)

            commandMsg = GetServerCFG("ASCIIName", "CommandMsg", string.Empty);
            if (Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(Client.Name) != Client.Name.Length)
                ServerPrint("ASCIIName executed: " + command + " " + Client.Name + " \"" + commandMsg + "\"");
                ServerCommand(command + " " + Client.ClientNum + " \"" + commandMsg + "\"");    
            else if (Array.Exists(Client.Name.ToCharArray(), c => (int)c <= 31) || Array.Exists(Client.Name.ToCharArray(), c => (int)c >= 191) )
                    ServerPrint("ASCIIName executed Invisible name: " + command + " " + Client.Name + " \"" + commandMsg + "\"");
                    ServerCommand(command + " " + Client.ClientNum + " \"" + commandMsg + "\"");

            if (!allplayers.Contains(Client.XUID) || !allplayers_name.Contains(Client.Name))
                allplayers_name.Add (Client.Name);
                ServerSay("^7[^1NOTICE!^7] Player: ^3" + Client.Name + "^7 has connected!", false);
                ServerSay("^7[^2Welcome!^7] Player: ^3" + Client.Name + "^7 has Reconnected!", false);    

        public override string OnCheckBan(string xuidd)
            commandMsg1 = GetServerCFG("ASCIIName", "CommandMsg1", string.Empty);
            string badPlayersXUID = GetServerCFG("ASCIIName","badPlayers_xuid", "");
                badPlayers = new List<string>(badPlayersXUID.ToLower().Split(','));
            ServerPrint ("xuidd is " + xuidd + " try connect");
            if (badPlayers1.Equals(xuidd))
                ServerSay("^7Player[E70D].xuid: ^3" + badPlayers1 + "^7 Deny connect!", false);
                return commandMsg1;

            foreach ( string bad in badPlayers )
                    ServerSay("^7Player.xuid[Bad]: ^3" + bad + "^7 Deny connect!", false);
                    return commandMsg2;  
            clientss = GetClients();
            foreach (ServerClient game_boy in clientss)
                if (game_boy.Name != "")
                ServerPrint ("Xuid "+ game_boy.XUID + " Name " + game_boy.Name + " Ping " + game_boy.Ping + " CLient_Num " + game_boy.ClientNum);
                if (game_boy.Name != "" && game_boy.XUID == xuidd)
                    ServerSay("^7Same.xuid in game ^3" + xuidd + "^7 Deny connect! ", false);
                    iPrintLnBold ("^1[Warn:] ^3Have same ID player try connect to server",game_boy);
                    return "Sorry! Same ID players in game,you change ID try connect.";
            return null;

(05-29-2012, 02:06)Devilion Wrote: [ -> ]
//Command to be executed, kickClient, tempBanClient or banClient
//Message to be displayed when an action is taken, valid placeholders {0} - name and {1} xuid
ServerMsg=User was name bad!
//Message to be displayed to the client who is being kicked
CommandMsg=Change you name (use 0-9 and a-Z)
CommandMsg1=Same ID,Change you ID

i need to autokick xuid 0000000000000000
it really annoying, it always cause all being ban.

Are you sure xuid is 0000000000000000
can you give me a plugin, but these messages are not displayed, because teasing

ServerSay("^7[^1NOTICE!^7] Player: ^3" + Client.Name + "^7 has connected!", false);
ServerSay("^7[^2Welcome!^7] Player: ^3" + Client.Name + "^7 has Reconnected!", false);

Nice plugin. Thanks!
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