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(06-27-2012, 19:15)pieter Wrote: [ -> ]not working ppl are still knifing the shit out of eachother

Just tried again now with sv_config. Knifing is disabled (can't knife glass). Can you check the logs again?
theyre pretty crammed ill try

*edit* nothing strange in logs :/

could it be because of infammo on primary weapons ?
(06-27-2012, 20:00)pieter Wrote: [ -> ]theyre pretty crammed ill try

could it be because of infammo on primary weapons ?

No, that shouldn't affect anything.
removed all other plugins and restarted server

[21:36:02] Logging address 0x4CBB00
[21:36:02] Logging address 0x4FD820
[21:36:02] Logging address 0x4FC0D1
[21:36:02] Logging address 0x4F3260
[21:36:02] Logging address 0x4F2DB0
[21:36:02] Logging address 0x479CC0
[21:36:02] Logging address 0x41B5BB
[21:36:02] ------------------------------------------------------------
[21:36:02] Server startup
[21:36:02] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at NoKnife.Class1.Knife(Boolean bl)

   at NoKnife.Class1.OnServerLoad()

   at Addon.PluginCode.TriggerServerLoad()
[21:36:04] resolved to
[21:36:05] resolved to
[21:36:05] resolved to
[21:36:05] resolved to
[21:36:21] ------------------------------------------------------------
[21:36:21] InitGame: \g_gametype\dm\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW5\mapname\mp_aground_ss\protocol\112\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.9\sv_allowClientConsole\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^3[NL]^1FUN!^6XS-3^7(DLC^4ADHD)!\sv_maxclients\16\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0\sv_voice\No Chat
I'll check the code again tomorrow. I'll send you a pm. I assume you're using the newest version of MW3 Server?
yes the one the new addon was made for Wink im running the face off maps (erosion and aground)

i updated to the newest version, and NoKnife is running w/o any problems.
BTW. how do you play the new maps?
I updated the server manually (main/<new map files>) + 33+34 iwd files. I cant start them with rcon map mp_aground_ss etc.
Can you give me a hint?
(06-27-2012, 21:43)jakata Wrote: [ -> ]Hey,

i updated to the newest version, and NoKnife is running w/o any problems.
BTW. how do you play the new maps?
I updated the server manually (main/<new map files>) + 33+34 iwd files. I cant start them with rcon map mp_aground_ss etc.
Can you give me a hint?
Maybe you didn't copy all needed files. Check here:
i red this post already. I just joined my server and tested it again. It seemed to work, but all players got kicked with a message - idk which one was it Sad
I copied the following files.

I updated manually via ftp, the server manager is doing that normally with a 2 week delay.
In that link I posted it says you also need to copy the file
Quote:0.sdm ...dir.(folder main)
Did you do that? Also please post questions about DLC maps in the thread I linked, not here. Thanks.

Edit: Found another error in the plugin. Though it should still work I recommend redownloading the plugin.
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