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No offense but damn, how hard is it. It's all in the thread right there. This shouldn't be any 'new' news to any of you...
well sure...because iw5mp_server.exe obviously in root folder. nevermind that.
anyways, I solved this by making a duplicate copy of my MW3 file, 13gb total actually in somewhere else for server and the original for multiplayer.

another problems is when i run the server, I cant even connect to the server. noted that I`m using modded server as you can see. Original server without mods can run perfectly. Oh do note also that i`m using TeknoMW and TeknoMW3 Server Launcher/Editor v1.5.3

here is the log example

Succeeded reading from zombie.dspl
Loaded 5 map entries
Loading DSR "inf_zombie.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "inf_zombie.dsr"
Spawning map: mp_seatown, gametype infect
Initializing Steam Game Server: game port 27014, auth port 8766, query port 27017, gamedir modernwarfare3, version
Protected game port (net_port): 27016 (needs to be NAT'ed out, also - use this port when direct-connecting (won't work if server is password protected))
Query port (net_masterServerPort): 27017 (you need to NAT this one out in order to make your server visible online)
Steam Game Server initialized as LAN only.
Steam Game Server connected. Local IP, Public IP, Game Port 27014
Steam Game Server is VAC Secure
Spawn map (mp_seatown, infect) complete.
[XZombie] Please wait.... Loading map and applying settings!
Succeeded reading from zombie.dspl
Loaded 5 map entries
Loading DSR "inf_zombie.dsr"...
Loading Succeeded for DSR "inf_zombie.dsr"
Spawning map: mp_plaza2, gametype infect
Spawn map (mp_plaza2, infect) complete.
here the picture Awesome

[Image: 14-4-20128-24-50PM.png]

Forever Alone
[Image: iw5mp14-4-20128-29-52PM-218.png]

[Image: iw5mp14-4-20128-30-29PM-399.png]
btw, the only plugins I run is GrossKopf's Dedicated Server i.e which can be found here

the dedi server addon by Nukem isnt actually working and it gave me crash every time I launch iw5mp_server.exe

the one that so called GrissKopf's is actually original Nukem dedi server with Rcon plugin
[Image: 14-4-20128-53-48PM.png]

and this is Nukem latest dedi server
[Image: 14-4-20128-58-17PM.png]

i thought it might be caused by server.cfg
so here my server.cfg

// Modern Warfare 3 Server Configuration

// Server command-line parameters (this section is for documentation only)

// Specify server configuration file (this file)
+set sv_config "filename" (default "server.cfg")

// Specify server visibility (1 = LAN, 2 = Internet (default) )
+set dedicated 1

// Open game port (Steam-visible server game port)
+set net_queryPort 27014

// Secure game port
+set net_port 27027

// Steam authentication port
+set net_authPort 8766

// Steam master server (server browser) port
+set net_masterServerPort 27016

// Server.cfg-configurable settings

// Server host name. This should always be set by the server admin.
set sv_hostname "Noob In Action"

// Dedicated server play list (DSPL) specifying server map rotation.
//    Valid game options are controlled via DSR (dedicated server recipe) specified in the DSPL.
set sv_maprotation "default"

// Maximum number of clients that may connect to this server (range 1-18)
set sv_maxclients 18

// Server password. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt.
set g_password ""

// Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server (range 0-18 (clamped to sv_maxclients) )
set sv_privateClients 1

// Password for the private slots on this server. If set, users will be prompted on join attempt.
//    Users providing this password will have access to all slots.
//    Users providing an incorrect password will have access to the (sv_maxClients - sv_privateClients) public slots.
set sv_privatePassword "0001"

// Remote console password. If set, users will have access to a remote console, allowing server administration from a connected client.
set rcon_password "0002"

// Server voice chat configuration ( 0 = "No Chat", 1 = "Free Chat", 2 = "Team Chat" (default) )
set sv_voice 2

// Toggle voting for [player kick/map restart/next map] (0 or 1 (default) )
set g_allowVote 1

// Toggle allowing dead players to chat with living players (0 (default) or 1)
set g_deadChat 1

// Time in seconds before the server will kick a user for inactivity (range 0 - 10000)
set g_inactivity 90

// Time in seconds for a player temporary ban (on kick/tempban) (range 0 - 3600)
set sv_kickBanTime 300

// Toggle flood protection (throttling of user commands - should be enabled for non-password-protected Internet servers) (0 or 1 (default))
set sv_floodProtect 1

plus my sv_config.ini
//Enable or disable timed messages [0-1]
//Disable the CPU/Bandwidth check [0-1]
//Enable the old cod4-style rotation (see example server.cfg) [0-1]
//[UNTESTED] Stop VAC from protecting your server

//Enable logging to the 'console.log' file [0-1]

//Enable the server script [0-1]
//Server script to run

//Enable logging of crashes [0-1]

//Enable the updater
//Auto-update the server when there is a new release. (Mainly for dedicated servers on game server hosters)

either way, only modified server that cant connect.
the server got crazy sometimes...need to restart to be able to get 1 of my friend got in and I were kicked out, then I got in he get kicked out. wierd.
@fakhrul The (newest version of) the addon doesn't work on TeknoMW3, and it probably never will.
We're not against tekno, but we're not really supporting it neither.
Try looking for a older version (and with 'looking' i mean 'using the searchbar' and not 'creating a thread asking for it')
well that helpful.. gee thanks Me Gusta
@fakhrul12 You want help? The reason is that TeknoMW3 runs a lower version then steam MW3 and because of that reason the offsets change. The addon was made for the steam version and not the tekno version. It crashed because the offsets have changed and it couldn't find the required methods/pointers/whatever.
Now there's your help. Enjoy it.
There's nothing more I can do for you, whether you like it or not
no need to get angry dude. I`m just asking only.Okay

and I`m trying looking for possible solution for this matters. not for myself. but others that might be looking here for answer also.

anyway. moved to my new thread if want to continue this discussion. Like a sir
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