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Change visual basic to .net section please?

Quote:Falling Down Created a new SharePoint project
Job Security Written a LINQ query with over 30 lines of code
The Sword Fighter 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with zero code changes
Shotgun Debugging 5 Consecutive Solution Rebuilds with a single character change
The Mathematician Defined 15 local variables with a single character name
The Academic Written 1000 lines of F#
Spaghetti Monster Written a single line with more than 300 characters
Wild One Mixed tabs and spaces for indentation more than 5 times in a single line
The Organizer Created a Solution with more than 50 projects
The Portal Created a circular project dependency
The Multitasker Have more than 50 source files open at the same time
The Code Keeper Uninstalled Resharper because it made you redundant
Pasta Chef Created a class with more than 100 fields, properties or methods
Procedural Programmer Created a method with more than 10 out parameters
Steam Powered Added Visual Studio as a Steam game
The Poet Written a source file with more than 10,000 lines
The Enterprise Build Solution took more than 10 minutes
Highway to Hell Successfully created a WCF service
The Explainer Written a comment with more than 100 words
TPS Reports Created a Crystal Reports Project
Rage Quit ALT+F4 after a failed bug fix
Ooooh Shiny Written 100 extensions methods
Look Ma Written an infinite Fibonacci generator using yield
The Engineer Killed a zombie with The Wrench
The Architect Created 25 Interfaces in a single project
The Right Way Test method is longer than the tested method
The Defender Checked every argument for null exceptions
Pokemon Programming Caught all the exceptions
Black Magic Implemented a RealProxy
Gimme back my ASM Used ILGenerator
Im Sorry Created a new Visual Basic Project
The SEO Expert ASP.NET MVC Routing table with more than 100 routes
The Matrix Windows Forms with more than 100 controls
The Daredevil UpdatePanels nested more than 3 layers deep
Just a Test Nested multiline C-style comments that caused a compilation error
Warm Bath Successfully consumed a non .NET SOAP web service
Old School Defined more than 100 static objects
The Cloner Copy-pasted more than 50 lines
The Dependency Referenced more than 30 projects
Paying the bills Imported a Visual Basic project
First Hit Included a library into your project and it actually compiled
Paula Define a firstname field with value Brillant
Every Option Considered Created an enum with more than 30 values

Doesn't work with VS Express :\
Fuu microsoft