
Full Version: How to compile MW3 server plugins for supernoobs
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Simply add a big message somewhere during the video
(01-17-2012, 16:25)OrangePL Wrote: [ -> ]Simply add a big message somewhere during the video

I'm 99% sure people will still fuck up.
@OrangePL TY, added message to video
good thing
I'm trying to show noobs how they can create their own plugins without plugin maker
(01-17-2012, 16:46)jariz Wrote: [ -> ]I'm trying to show noobs how they can create their own plugins without plugin maker
Like me but i know how to compile tho just don't know how to code and what to put etc....
There are thousands of C# tutorials, I'm not going to write one myself.
when you know C#, you know how to code a plugin
just watched to hear @JariZ sexy voice
Thank you for the tutorial, but what is the version of visual studio 2010 express?
I downloaded and I can not do dokldnie the same because I have other tabs and I miss some things.
Seemingly the same, the same thing but do not open until the end and you can not make the plugin.
: (
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