
Full Version: Right click Toggle on .gsc
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HI again Big Grin

i have this .gsc cod so its work for me but its not perfect because of it active by right click & deactivate by right click again and its not nice
so i want its active by pushing right click and deactivated when release the right click .

pleas if possible edit it for me .

very thanks...

    self endon("death");
    self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "MOUSE2", "+toggleads_throw" );
    self.combatHighOverlay = newClientHudElem( self );
    self.combatHighOverlay.x = 0;
    self.combatHighOverlay.y = 0;
    self.combatHighOverlay.alignX = "left";
    self.combatHighOverlay.alignY = "top";
    self.combatHighOverlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
    self.combatHighOverlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
        self waittill("MOUSE2");
        self.AutoAimOn = 0;
        self.combatHighOverlay FadeOverTime( 1 );
        self.combatHighOverlay.alpha = 0;
        self waittill("MOUSE2");
        self.AutoAimOn = 1;
        self.combatHighOverlay setshader ( "combathigh_overlay", 640, 480 );
        self.combatHighOverlay FadeOverTime( 1 );
        self.combatHighOverlay.alpha = 1;
        wait 1;
        self.combatHighOverlay setshader ( "combathigh_overlay", 640, 480 );
        self.combatHighOverlay FadeOverTime( 1 );
        self.combatHighOverlay.alpha = 0;
You want something that you press right click and it appears that overlay, and when you click again it dissapears?

but i edited this cod so for now its work perfectly and by pushing the right mouse get aim and by release right mouse the aim get off

so the things that seems not good; the closer player get aim and its not good(Lock onto closest enemy) ...

for now i want the player that on my marker get aimed and not closer player for this i want help to edit .gsc ?!


and my edited cod:

    self endon( "death" );
    location = -1; = 0;
    self.AutoAimOn = 0;
    self.PickedNum = 39;
    self ThermalVisionFOFOverlayOn();
    self thread Toggle();
    self thread AimBonerArray();
        wait 0.05;
        if(self.AutoAimOn == true)
            for ( i=0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
                if(getdvar("g_gametype") != "dm")
                    if(closer(self.origin, level.players[i].origin, location) == true && level.players[i].team != && IsAlive(level.players[i]) && level.players[i] != self)
                        location = level.players[i] gettagorigin(self.AimBone[self.PickedNum]);
                    else if(closer(self.origin, level.players[i].origin, location) == true && level.players[i].team != && IsAlive(level.players[i]) && level.players[i] getcurrentweapon() == "riotshield_mp" && level.players[i] != self)
                        location = level.players[i] gettagorigin("j_ankle_ri");
                    if(closer(self.origin, level.players[i].origin, location) == true && IsAlive(level.players[i]) && level.players[i] != self)
                        location = level.players[i] gettagorigin(self.AimBone[self.PickedNum]);
                    else if(closer(self.origin, level.players[i].origin, location) == true && IsAlive(level.players[i]) && level.players[i] getcurrentweapon() == "riotshield_mp" && level.players[i] != self)
                        location = level.players[i] gettagorigin("j_ankle_ri");
            if(location != -1)
                self setplayerangles(VectorToAngles( (location) - (self gettagorigin("j_head")) ));
            if( == 1)
                MagicBullet(self getcurrentweapon(), location+(0,0,5), location, self);
        if(self.PickedNum > 77)
            self.PickedNum = 77;
        if(self.PickedNum < 0)
            self.PickedNum = 0;
        location = -1;

    self endon("death");
                self notifyOnPlayercommand("mouse2", "+speed_throw");
            self notifyOnPlayercommand("mouse2O", "-speed_throw");

        self waittill("mouse2");
        self.AutoAimOn = 1;
        self waittill("mouse2O");
        self.AutoAimOn = 0;

    self endon("death");
    self.AimBone= [];
    self.AimBone[0] = "tag_origin";
    self.AimBone[1] = "j_mainroot";
    self.AimBone[2] = "pelvis";
    self.AimBone[3] = "j_hip_le";
    self.AimBone[4] = "j_hip_ri";
    self.AimBone[5] = "torso_stabilizer";
    self.AimBone[6] = "j_chin_skinroll";
    self.AimBone[7] = "back_low";
    self.AimBone[8] = "j_knee_le";
    self.AimBone[9] = "j_knee_ri";
    self.AimBone[10] = "back_mid";
    self.AimBone[11] = "j_ankle_le";
    self.AimBone[12] = "j_ankle_ri";
    self.AimBone[13] = "j_ball_le";
    self.AimBone[14] = "j_ball_ri";
    self.AimBone[15] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[16] = "j_clavicle_le";
    self.AimBone[17] = "j_clavicle_ri";
    self.AimBone[18] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[19] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[20] = "j_shoulder_le";
    self.AimBone[21] = "j_shoulder_ri";
    self.AimBone[22] = "j_elbow_bulge_le";
    self.AimBone[23] = "j_elbow_bulge_ri";
    self.AimBone[24] = "j_elbow_le";
    self.AimBone[25] = "j_elbow_ri";
    self.AimBone[26] = "j_shouldertwist_le";
    self.AimBone[27] = "j_shouldertwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[28] = "j_wrist_le";
    self.AimBone[29] = "j_wrist_ri";
    self.AimBone[30] = "j_wristtwist_le";
    self.AimBone[31] = "j_wristtwist_ri";
    self.AimBone[32] = "j_index_le_1";
    self.AimBone[33] = "j_index_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[34] = "j_mid_le_1";
    self.AimBone[35] = "j_mid_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[36] = "j_pinky_le_1";
    self.AimBone[37] = "j_pinky_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[38] = "j_ring_le_1";
    self.AimBone[39] = "j_ring_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[40] = "j_thumb_le_1";
    self.AimBone[41] = "j_thumb_ri_1";
    self.AimBone[42] = "tag_weapon_left";
    self.AimBone[43] = "tag_weapon_right";
    self.AimBone[44] = "j_index_le_2";
    self.AimBone[45] = "j_index_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[46] = "j_mid_le_2";
    self.AimBone[47] = "j_mid_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[48] = "j_pinky_le_2";
    self.AimBone[49] = "j_pinky_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[50] = "j_ring_le_2";
    self.AimBone[51] = "j_ring_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[52] = "j_thumb_le_2";
    self.AimBone[53] = "j_thumb_ri_2";
    self.AimBone[54] = "j_index_le_3";
    self.AimBone[55] = "j_index_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[56] = "j_mid_le_3";
    self.AimBone[57] = "j_mid_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[58] = "j_pinky_le_3";
    self.AimBone[59] = "j_pinky_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[60] = "j_ring_le_3";
    self.AimBone[61] = "j_ring_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[62] = "j_thumb_le_3";
    self.AimBone[63] = "j_thumb_ri_3";
    self.AimBone[64] = "j_spine4";
    self.AimBone[65] = "j_neck";
    self.AimBone[66] = "j_head";
    self.AimBone[67] = "j_cheek_le";
    self.AimBone[68] = "j_cheek_ri";
    self.AimBone[69] = "j_head_end";
    self.AimBone[70] = "j_jaw";
    self.AimBone[71] = "j_levator_le";
    self.AimBone[72] = "j_levator_ri";
    self.AimBone[73] = "j_lip_top_le";
    self.AimBone[74] = "j_lip_top_ri";
    self.AimBone[75] = "j_mouth_le";
    self.AimBone[76] = "j_mouth_ri";
    self.AimBone[77] = "tag_eye";

whats your question again?
i want the player that on my marker get aimed and not closer player for this i want help to edit .gsc ?!
Sad Sad Sad Sad
(12-30-2011, 23:01)raminr63 Wrote: [ -> ]i want the player that on my marker get aimed and not closer player for this i want help to edit .gsc ?!

I cant understand you, Undecided

my means i want when i right click, lock on every player that i wont not closed player!!!
you want aimbot on NOT the person thats closest to you? wutt??? i dont understand anything of this
look for example we have 2 player's ( player1 that he closed to you and palyer2 that he Away from you)in map and the cod's that i posted in 3rd post its aim-bot and only locked on player1 that he is closed to you and it's not good because when you want to aim player 2 that he is in your front the lock system of this cod only locked on player1 because of he is closed to you and maybe the player 1 is in other side of wall and it's not good so i want such as other aim-bot when i want aim someone the aim-bot system aimed every one i like not only closed player??!

I don't know can i give you my means or no?!
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