
Full Version: Variable Zoom Scope
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I am making OMA Zombies 2 and I decided to add this feature to it, I previewed this some time ago, here is the release, Nyan Cat

    self endon("death");
    self endon("disconnect");
        self.zoomtext destroy();
    self.zoom = 60;
    originalzoom = getDvarInt("cg_fovmin");
        if(self ADSButtonPressed() && WeaponClass(self getCurrentWeapon()) == "sniper")
                self.zoomtext = self createfontstring("default",1.3,self);
                self.zoomtext setpoint("","",0,-195);
                self.zoomtext settext("Press [{+activate}] to increase zoom and Press [{+frag}] to reduce zoom");
                self.zoomtext.color = (1,1,1);
                self.zoomtext.sort = 15;
                self.zoomtext.alpha = 1;
                self.zoomtext.foreground = true;
                self.zoomtext.glowcolor = (0,1,0);
                self.zoomtext.glowalpha = 1;
                self.zoomtext setparent(level.uiParent);
                self.zoomtext.hideWhenInMenu = false;
                self.zoomtext.archived = false;
            if(self UseButtonPressed())
                self.zoom --;
            if(self FragButtonPressed())
                self.zoom ++;
            if(self.zoom > 60)
                self.zoom = 60;
            self setClientDvar("cg_fovmin",self.zoom);
            self.zoomtext destroy();
            self setClientDvar("cg_fovmin",originalzoom);    
    wait 0.05;

It has 1 bug: when they damage you(at least the zombies from my mod) it doesnt work anymore, Confused, I dont know the reason of that.

maybe when you damaged, cg_fovmin changes?

You do know
originalzoom = getDvarInt("cg_fovmin");
only get's the dvar of the host and not the player right? Well, it doesn't matter since you can't change that dvar anyway, still kinda pointless that you get it.

Still pretty nice work @Yamato <3
removed spam, pls keep threads clean
(12-25-2011, 14:18)Pozzuh Wrote: [ -> ]You do know
originalzoom = getDvarInt("cg_fovmin");
only get's the dvar of the host and not the player right? Well, it doesn't matter since you can't change that dvar anyway, still kinda pointless that you get it.

Still pretty nice work @Yamato <3

Yes, I know, I just wanted to get the default value which is 1 I think, Wink
usual you have a very short vid
where is it?