
Full Version: One Click - Kill Origin after BF3 has started
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Loop {

Process, Exist, Origin.exe
NewPID = %ErrorLevel%
IfWinExist, ahk_pid %NewPID%
IfWinExist, Battlefield
Sleep 1000
run, kill.exe /f Origin.exe

Process, Exist, OriginLegacyCLI.exe
NewPID = %ErrorLevel%
IfWinExist, ahk_pid %NewPID%
run, kill /f OriginLegacyCLI.exe

Process, Exist, OriginClientService.exe
NewPID = %ErrorLevel%
IfWinExist, ahk_pid %NewPID%
run, kill /f OriginClientService.exe
Why would I want to kill Origin?
resources & scanning your hdd Troll
Origin sucks, good job on this tool although I won't use it (PS3 version Troll )
(10-28-2011, 21:34)OrangePL Wrote: [ -> ]Origin sucks, good job on this tool although I won't use it (PS3 version Troll )

agree lol
Hello. Your script didn't work.
[Image: 94094690.jpg]
Specifically: Cannot find the specified file.
its doesnt search for a file, it kills the process. so i have no idea if the russian version has a different name