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Um...Is it a spawn function to create the outside of the map?
    //declare an ambientpackage, and populate it with elements
    //mandatory parameters are <package name>, <alias name>, <spawnMin>, <spawnMax>
    //followed by optional parameters <distMin>, <distMax>, <angleMin>, <angleMax>
//    declareAmbientPackage( "outdoors_pkg" );
//    addAmbientElement( "outdoors_pkg", "elm_dog1", 3, 6, 1800, 2000, 270, 450 );
//    addAmbientElement( "outdoors_pkg", "elm_dog2", 5, 10 );
//    addAmbientElement( "outdoors_pkg", "elm_dog3", 10, 20 );
//    addAmbientElement( "outdoors_pkg", "elm_donkey1", 25, 35 );
//    addAmbientElement( "outdoors_pkg", "elm_horse1", 10, 25 );

//    declareAmbientPackage( "west_pkg" );
//    addAmbientElement( "west_pkg", "elm_insect_fly", 2, 8, 0, 150, 345, 375 );
//    addAmbientElement( "west_pkg", "elm_owl", 3, 10, 400, 500, 269, 270 );
//    addAmbientElement( "west_pkg", "elm_wolf", 10, 15, 100, 500, 90, 270 );
//    addAmbientElement( "west_pkg", "animal_chicken_idle", 3, 12 );
//    addAmbientElement( "west_pkg", "animal_chicken_disturbed", 10, 30 );

//    declareAmbientPackage( "northwest_pkg" );
//    addAmbientElement( "northwest_pkg", "elm_wind_buffet", 3, 6 );
//    addAmbientElement( "northwest_pkg", "elm_rubble", 5, 10 );
//    addAmbientElement( "northwest_pkg", "elm_industry", 10, 20 );
//    addAmbientElement( "northwest_pkg", "elm_stress", 5, 20, 200, 2000 );

    //explicitly activate the base ambientpackage, which is used when not touching any ambientPackageTriggers
    //the other trigger based packages will be activated automatically when the player is touching them
//    activateAmbientPackage( "outdoors_pkg", 0 );

    //the same pattern is followed for setting up ambientRooms
//    declareAmbientRoom( "outdoors_room" );
//    setAmbientRoomTone( "outdoors_room", "amb_shanty_ext_temp" );

//    declareAmbientRoom( "west_room" );
//    setAmbientRoomTone( "west_room", "bomb_tick" );

//    declareAmbientRoom( "northwest_room" );
//    setAmbientRoomTone( "northwest_room", "weap_sniper_heartbeat" );

//    activateAmbientRoom( "outdoors_room", 0 );
It is part of the sound system that Treyarch made for CoD:WW. In their maps, they have triggers to control the ambient sound (or 'package'), which are being handled in the script above.

More info here: