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This is another code I found on my PC, what this makes is that the EMP doesnt destroy any vehicles, save as maps\mp\killstreaks\_emp.gsc

#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;

    level._effect[ "emp_flash" ] = loadfx( "explosions/emp_flash_mp" );

    level.teamEMPed["allies"] = false;
    level.teamEMPed["axis"] = false;
    level.empPlayer = undefined;
    if ( level.teamBased )
        level thread EMP_TeamTracker();
        level thread EMP_PlayerTracker();
    level.killstreakFuncs["emp"] = ::EMP_Use;
    level thread onPlayerConnect();

        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill( "spawned_player" );
        if ( (level.teamBased && level.teamEMPed[]) || (!level.teamBased && isDefined( level.empPlayer ) && level.empPlayer != self) )
            self setEMPJammed( true );

EMP_Use( lifeId, delay )
    assert( isDefined( self ) );

    if ( !isDefined( delay ) )
        delay = 5.0;

    myTeam = self.pers["team"];
    otherTeam = level.otherTeam[myTeam];
    if ( level.teamBased )
        self thread EMP_JamTeam( otherTeam, 60.0, delay );
        self thread EMP_JamPlayers( self, 60.0, delay );

    self maps\mp\_matchdata::logKillstreakEvent( "emp", self.origin );
    self notify( "used_emp" );

    return true;

EMP_JamTeam( teamName, duration, delay )
    level endon ( "game_ended" );
    assert( teamName == "allies" || teamName == "axis" );

    //wait ( delay );

    thread teamPlayerCardSplash( "used_emp", self );

    level notify ( "EMP_JamTeam" + teamName );
    level endon ( "EMP_JamTeam" + teamName );
    foreach ( player in level.players )
        player playLocalSound( "emp_activate" );
        if ( != teamName )
        if ( player _hasPerk( "specialty_localjammer" ) )
            player RadarJamOff();
    visionSetNaked( "coup_sunblind", 0.1 );
    thread empEffects();
    wait ( 0.1 );
    // resetting the vision set to the same thing won't normally have an effect.
    // however, if the client receives the previous visionset change in the same packet as this one,
    // this will force them to lerp from the bright one to the normal one.
    visionSetNaked( "coup_sunblind", 0 );
    visionSetNaked( getDvar( "mapname" ), 3.0 );
    level.teamEMPed[teamName] = true;
    level notify ( "emp_update" );
    level destroyActiveVehicles( self );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_hostmigration::waitLongDurationWithHostMigrationPause( duration );
    level.teamEMPed[teamName] = false;
    foreach ( player in level.players )
        if ( != teamName )
        if ( player _hasPerk( "specialty_localjammer" ) )
            player RadarJamOn();
    level notify ( "emp_update" );

EMP_JamPlayers( owner, duration, delay )
    level notify ( "EMP_JamPlayers" );
    level endon ( "EMP_JamPlayers" );
    assert( isDefined( owner ) );
    //wait ( delay );
    foreach ( player in level.players )
        player playLocalSound( "emp_activate" );
        if ( player == owner )
        if ( player _hasPerk( "specialty_localjammer" ) )
            player RadarJamOff();
    visionSetNaked( "coup_sunblind", 0.1 );
    thread empEffects();

    wait ( 0.1 );
    // resetting the vision set to the same thing won't normally have an effect.
    // however, if the client receives the previous visionset change in the same packet as this one,
    // this will force them to lerp from the bright one to the normal one.
    visionSetNaked( "coup_sunblind", 0 );
    visionSetNaked( getDvar( "mapname" ), 3.0 );
    level notify ( "emp_update" );
    level.empPlayer = owner;
    level.empPlayer thread empPlayerFFADisconnect();
    level destroyActiveVehicles( owner );
    level notify ( "emp_update" );
    maps\mp\gametypes\_hostmigration::waitLongDurationWithHostMigrationPause( duration );
    foreach ( player in level.players )
        if ( player == owner )
        if ( player _hasPerk( "specialty_localjammer" ) )
            player RadarJamOn();
    level.empPlayer = undefined;
    level notify ( "emp_update" );
    level notify ( "emp_ended" );

    level endon ( "EMP_JamPlayers" );    
    level endon ( "emp_ended" );
    self waittill( "disconnect" );
    level notify ( "emp_update" );

    foreach( player in level.players )
        playerForward = anglestoforward( player.angles );
        playerForward = ( playerForward[0], playerForward[1], 0 );
        playerForward = VectorNormalize( playerForward );
        empDistance = 20000;

        empEnt = Spawn( "script_model", player.origin + ( 0, 0, 8000 ) + Vector_Multiply( playerForward, empDistance ) );
        empEnt setModel( "tag_origin" );
        empEnt.angles = empEnt.angles + ( 270, 0, 0 );
        empEnt thread empEffect( player );

empEffect( player )
    player endon( "disconnect" );

    wait( 0.5 );
    PlayFXOnTagForClients( level._effect[ "emp_flash" ], self, "tag_origin", player );

    level endon ( "game_ended" );
    for ( ;; )
        level waittill_either ( "joined_team", "emp_update" );
        foreach ( player in level.players )
            if ( == "spectator" )
            player setEMPJammed( level.teamEMPed[] );

    level endon ( "game_ended" );
    for ( ;; )
        level waittill_either ( "joined_team", "emp_update" );
        foreach ( player in level.players )
            if ( == "spectator" )
            if ( isDefined( level.empPlayer ) && level.empPlayer != player )
                player setEMPJammed( true );
                player setEMPJammed( false );                

destroyActiveVehicles( attacker )
    if ( isDefined( attacker ) )
        foreach ( heli in level.helis )
            radiusDamage( heli.origin, 384, 5000, 5000, attacker );
        foreach ( littleBird in level.littleBird )
            radiusDamage( littleBird.origin, 384, 5000, 5000, attacker );
        foreach ( turret in level.turrets )
            radiusDamage( turret.origin, 16, 5000, 5000, attacker );
        foreach ( rocket in level.rockets )
            rocket notify ( "death" );
        if ( level.teamBased )
            foreach ( uav in level.uavModels["allies"] )
                radiusDamage( uav.origin, 384, 5000, 5000, attacker );
            foreach ( uav in level.uavModels["axis"] )
                radiusDamage( uav.origin, 384, 5000, 5000, attacker );
            foreach ( uav in level.uavModels )
                radiusDamage( uav.origin, 384, 5000, 5000, attacker );
        if ( isDefined( level.ac130player ) )
            radiusDamage( level.ac130.planeModel.origin+(0,0,10), 1000, 5000, 5000, attacker );
        foreach ( heli in level.helis )
            radiusDamage( heli.origin, 384, 5000, 5000 );
        foreach ( littleBird in level.littleBird )
            radiusDamage( littleBird.origin, 384, 5000, 5000 );
        foreach ( turret in level.turrets )
            radiusDamage( turret.origin, 16, 5000, 5000 );
        foreach ( rocket in level.rockets )
            rocket notify ( "death" );
        if ( level.teamBased )
            foreach ( uav in level.uavModels["allies"] )
                radiusDamage( uav.origin, 384, 5000, 5000 );
            foreach ( uav in level.uavModels["axis"] )
                radiusDamage( uav.origin, 384, 5000, 5000 );
            foreach ( uav in level.uavModels )
                radiusDamage( uav.origin, 384, 5000, 5000 );
        if ( isDefined( level.ac130player ) )
            radiusDamage( level.ac130.planeModel.origin+(0,0,10), 1000, 5000, 5000 );
You should make something moar Nyan Cat
Or no more ideas Fuu ?!?!?!
(08-31-2011, 19:30)Se7en Wrote: [ -> ]You should make something moar Nyan Cat
Or no more ideas Fuu ?!?!?!

I try to think of my own ideas and dont copy other guys ideas.
Write noob on enemy player's screen if his kd is less than 1 when they are emp'd.
(08-31-2011, 19:38)Yamato Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-31-2011, 19:30)Se7en Wrote: [ -> ]You should make something moar Nyan Cat
Or no more ideas Fuu ?!?!?!

I try to think of my own ideas and dont copy other guys ideas.

Why did you comment the whole destroyActiveVehicles( attacker ) thread and not just comment out the function when it's called? lol
can't you make something more awesome with the emp...?
no offense its still cool and usefull