
Full Version: code for buymenu?
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is it a code for a buymenu like in qczm ? like to buy atachment and wepons upgrade ... =) if some could bring me this code pls xD
thx ^_^
... make it yourself?
Dude i dont know where do i get it xd or; not exacly where do i begin to search in th qczm Smile
(08-18-2011, 19:24)Rendflex Wrote: [ -> ]... make it yourself?

i wanted yo say it Nyan Cat
There are so much mods with a buy menu style...

example: CS warfare, One in tha Chamber, TeamFortress2CTF...

watch them and JUST let it show you how it have to look.. DONT COPY...
just get an help

Okey but what Do u think i should start with? There is too many thinks so i dont know How to start Confused

hm a Buymenu isnt simple you know..
I dont think you can build one in a hour!

you need to build something like this:
self thread RunStore();

self endon("disconnect");
    self.StoreShow = false;
    self.StoreIsShown = false;
    self.StorePos = 1;
    self.StoreScroll = 0;
    self.StoreItems = 18;
    self.Store = [];
    StoreTxt = [];
                self iPrintln("^3Store is turned off.");
                self.StoreShow = false;
                for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                    self.Store[i] = self createFontString( "default", 1.5 );
                    self.Store[i] setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, (-1)*((5)/2)*20+i*20 );
                self.StoreIsShown = true;
                self playLocalSound("switch_auto_lights_on");
                StoreTxt = RefreshStoreMenu(StoreTxt);
                for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                    case 0:
                        self.Store[i] setText("^2Zalew^7's Store ^3[{+back}]^7 MOVE DOWN, ^3 [{+forward}]^7 MOVE UP, ^3 [{+activate}]^7 BUY, ^3 [{+actionslot 3}]^7 QUIT");
                            self.Store[i] setText("^1" + StoreTxt[i+self.StoreScroll]);
                            self.Store[i] setText(StoreTxt[i+self.StoreScroll]);
                self waittill("RefreshStore");
        else if(self.StoreIsShown)
            for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                self.Store[i] setText("");
            for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                self.Store[i] destroy();
                self.Store[i] delete();
            self.StoreIsShown = false;
            self playLocalSound("switch_auto_lights_off");
            self waittill("RefreshStore");

if you understand this youre able to build.. if not try a simple mod Smile
Look in the Tutorials Section and Search for "How to make a menu"

There u can learn it Smile
thx guys n1. Smile i got some ideas trying to be better modder Smile