
Full Version: How to make cod4 Deathrun map.
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Hey, if you are interested in making map and you know how to use Radiant, then this topic is for you.

Needed files:

- CoD4 Mod Tools
- Death Run Spawn Points, download Here :

1. Installing
- 1. Extract
- 2. Replace _globalentities.gsc from "CoD4\raw\maps\mp\gametypes" with extracted one.
- 3. Restart CoD4 Radiant.
- 4. Place mp_jumper_spawn and mp_activator_spawn on Your map.
- 5. Save map, compile and thats all.

2. Required entities in Death Run map

- mp_jumper_spawn(s)
- mp_activator_spawn(s)
- One mp_global_intermission

3. Scripting
Since Death Run 0.9 mod require scripts for traps that are being deactivated in free run rounds. It means that you have to add activation triggers into array so mod will recognize what entities have to be disabled. This part is very easy (for newbies too).
You can use this function:
// Usage: addTriggerToList( "trigger1" );
addTriggerToList( name )
   if( !isDefined( level.trapTriggers ) )
      level.trapTriggers = [];
   level.trapTriggers[level.trapTriggers.size] = getEnt( name, "targetname" );

Ok, lets imagine that you added 2 traps to your map and now you have to add activation triggers to list (for example their targetnames are "trigger1" and "trigger2" ).
In main() function you will have to add these lines:
addTriggerToList( "trigger1" );
addTriggerToList( "trigger2" );

You see, it wasnt hard, this was the last required step but you can continue reading if you want to know some more tricks.

4. Tricks
Since Death Run 0.8 you can call your own script functions on all Jumpers and Activators. In this step ill just show how to display some messages on spawned players.
   while( 1 )
      // wait for jumper, who is the person from Jumpers team that just spawned
      level waittill( "jumper", who );
      who iPrintlnBold( "Hey jumper, go and get activator" );
   while( 1 )
      // wait for activator, who is the player that was picked to be the activator
      // Note: this must be also in loop, game will pick another activator if previous quit the server      
      level waittill( "activator", who );
      who iPrintlnBold( "Yoo bro, dont call free round and kill all jumpers!" );

5. Tips about Death Run maps (totaly useless because you know them)
- 1. Separate Activator from Jumpers.
- 2. Allways make doors for Jumpers so after finishing map they may get into Activator and kill him.
- 3. Use "clip_full" texture so jumpers won't shot Activator through the glass.
- 4. Don't forget to add traps to the map.

6.When is map done
Good tutorial, the problem is that there is no radiant for BO, they will have to add blocks or something to the 3arc maps, Big Grin
Yea. That's too badly for BO.

Added link for deathrun spawn points.