
Full Version: Callbacksetup Not Working
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awesome ItsMods, i want u to give me your best Modders to help me with this thread!!!

So my problem:
The Variable (self.jumper_inPrison) is always false. Wayne if a paladin kills me, or i kill myself.

Ok, example:

self endon("disconnect");
self waittill("joined_team");
        if( == "axis")
        {self.isPaladin = true; self.isJumper = false; self thread doPaladin();}
        {self.isJumper = true; self.isPaladin = false; self thread doJumper();}
self endon("disconnect");

            if(self.isJumper && self.jumper_inPrison)
                {self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("PRISON: YES", 7);}
                {self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("PRISON: NO", 7);}
        wait 0.01;


Called when a player has been killed.
self is the player that was killed.
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, deathAnimDuration)
    self endon("disconnect");
        if(eAttacker.isPaladin && self.isJumper)
            self.jumper_inPrison = true;
    [[level.callbackPlayerKilled]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, deathAnimDuration);


So, u awesome Modders: Why is it not working?
It should work..

Are you sure you have correctly included the callback setup gsc in your mod.csv?
(08-07-2011, 20:26)Pozzuh Wrote: [ -> ]It should work..

Are you sure you have correctly included the callback setup gsc in your mod.csv?

oops : P

aaah, i always forget this fucking mod.csv thingy^^

ok what i have to write in? script,...?
You don't have to add it to the mod.csv

if you add no gsc files to the .ff/.iwd, you dont have to add any
Lol, when i kill myself now, the var will be true, too...

Add if(smeansofdeath != "mod_suicide") ?