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Someone knows how can i set a player the ghost perk model but not the perk. I just want if the player has sniper i will give the ghost model:
[Image: NVA_Ghost.png]
(08-07-2011, 16:02)FRAN710 Wrote: [ -> ]Someone knows how can i set a player the ghost perk model but not the perk. I just want if the player has sniper i will give the ghost model:
[Image: NVA_Ghost.png]

self detachall();
self setmodel("balbalbal the ghsot thing");

that should work
I found the models, they are named with "camo" at their names. The problem now is how can i now the team that player joined, and also the map is currently being played. There are camos for winter and such.
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_array") { /** Array **/
        level thread ArrayMap();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_cairo") { /** Havana **/
        level thread Havana();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_cosmodrome") { /** Launch **/
        level thread Launch();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_cracked") { /** Cracked **/
        level thread Cracked();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_crisis") { /** Crisis **/
        level thread Crisis();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_duga") { /** Grid **/
        level thread Grid();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_firingrange") { /** Firing Range **/
        level thread FiringRange();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_hanoi") { /** Hanoi **/
        level thread Hanoi();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_havoc") { /** Jungle **/
        level thread Jungle();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_mountain") { /** Summit **/
        level thread Summit();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_nuked") { /** NukeTown **/
        level thread NukeTown();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_radiation") { /** Radiation **/
        level thread Radiation();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_russianbase") { /** WMD **/
        level thread WMD();
    if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_villa") { /** Villa **/
        level thread Villa();

change the level thread to w/e u want to add to it, wether its a dvar or or w/e.

self.cac_body_type = "thenameofthecac"
(08-08-2011, 14:45)Tomsen1410 Wrote: [ -> ]just:

self.cac_body_type = "thenameofthecac"
Thank you, found this:
Change appearance:
self DetachAll();
self.cac_body_type = "cac_type";
//for cac_type use one of the following:
//"camo_mp" for ghost
//"hardened_mp" for hardline
//"ordnance_disposal_mp" for flakjacket
//"utility_mp" for scavenger
//"standard_mp" for lightweight
self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc::set_body_model(self.cac_faction);
self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc::set_hat_model(self.cac_faction);
self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc::set_head_model(self.cac_faction);
Then with that should be ok?
self DetachAll();
self.cac_body_type = "camo_mp";
self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc:Confusedet_body_model(self.cac_faction);
self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc:Confusedet_hat_model(self.cac_faction);
self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc:Confusedet_head_model(self.cac_faction);

Quote:self setModel( level.cac_assets[ game["cac_faction_axis"] ][ "camo_mp" ] );
Quote:self setModel( level.cac_assets[ game["cac_faction_allies"] ][ "camo_mp" ] );
(08-08-2011, 16:34)Se7en Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:self setModel( level.cac_assets[ game["cac_faction_axis"] ][ "camo_mp" ] );
Quote:self setModel( level.cac_assets[ game["cac_faction_allies"] ][ "camo_mp" ] );
Have i to get the team name to use that?. In otherwise i make this code but getting errors while running on the "self map..."
    cw = self getCurrentWeapon();
    if ( cw == "mosin_scope_sp" || cw == "kar98k_scope_mp" || cw == "enfield_scope_mp" || cw == "arisaka_scope_mp" || cw == "springfield_scope_mp" )
        self DetachAll();
        self.cac_body_type = "camo_mp";
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc::set_body_model(self.cac_faction);
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc::set_hat_model(self.cac_faction);
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor.gsc::set_head_model(self.cac_faction);
        wait 0.05;
    cw = self getCurrentWeapon();
    if ( cw == "mosin_scope_sp" || cw == "kar98k_scope_mp" || cw == "enfield_scope_mp" || cw == "arisaka_scope_mp" || cw == "springfield_scope_mp" )
        self DetachAll();
        self.cac_body_type = "camo_mp";
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor::set_body_model(self.cac_faction);
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor::set_hat_model(self.cac_faction);
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor::set_head_model(self.cac_faction);
        wait 0.05;

(had to remove the .gsc)
Thank you, did that but still not working... changed the code a bit but no luck. Im doing this check when the player receives the weapons:
    if ( (self hasWeapon("mosin_scope_sp")) || (self hasWeapon("kar98k_scope_mp")) || (self hasWeapon("enfield_scope_mp")) || (self hasWeapon("arisaka_scope_mp")) || (self hasWeapon("springfield_scope_mp")) )
        self DetachAll();
        self.cac_body_type = "camo_mp";
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor::set_body_model(self.cac_faction);
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor::set_hat_model(self.cac_faction);
        self maps\mp\gametypes\_armor::set_head_model(self.cac_faction);
        wait 0.05;
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