
Full Version: giving people pre-cocked guns
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when i give people weapons and they switch, they need to cock the gun back, how can you disable that when they first spawn
self giveweapon(weapon);
wait .05;
self switchtoweapon(weapon);

I think? I don't understand what you mean . .
self setspawnweapon("weapon");

I dont understand you, Undecided
Give details, maybe examples.
if you give someone a weapon that isnt their spawn weapon, the first time you switch to that weapon you have to cock it back... also self setspawnweapon gets over-ridden by something.. what gsc is that in?

self giveweapon(weapon);
wait .05;
self switchtoweapon(weapon);

is currently what i do, im making it into a CTF mode and dont want any cocks..
gets overwritten by _class.gsc
Create a weapon without the cocking animation. Or you could try this.

prev = self getcurrentweapon();
self switchtoweapon("theweapon");
wait 0.05;
self switchtoweapon(prev);
wait 0.05;
self switchtoweapon("theweapon");

You might not need the waits.
Do mean without the first raise animations?