
Full Version: how do i open a thread in another thread
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so this sould be simple i have a thread in _rank.gsc called jetpack()
how do i open the thread jetpack() in one of my other files called mod_menu2.gsc

else if( response == "vampireII" )
self.maxhealth = 150; = self.maxhealth;

self thread Jetpack(); <---- doesnt seam to work

self setPerk( "specialty_unlimitedsprint" );
self setPerk( "specialty_movefaster" );
self setPerk( "specialty_fallheight" );

self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::Jetpack();
self thread maps/mp/gametypes/_newfile::jetpack();

lemon beat me to it :<
this may help more then just you

self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::jetpack();

edit : lol you both bet me to it xD
thanks guys Big Grin
Hehe Fuck yea!
Ah cmon, too slow xD