
Full Version: remove willy pete hitmarkers?
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(06-02-2011, 16:13)rotceh_dnih Wrote: [ -> ]hey
is this helpfull?

iDFlags are damage modifying perks like Flak Jacket etc.

I found this:
self waittill( "explode", localClientNum, position, mod );

Try using this in a thread called at onPlayerSpawned
self waittill( "explode", localClientNum, position, mod );
self iPrintLnBold(mod);
and then throw a smoke at yourself. Report back with results
ok no joy didnt get any text on screen but thanks for the idea on how to debug xD
called like this
    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("spawned_player");
self thread noflash();
and put this at the bottom
self endon("disconnect");

self waittill( "explode", localClientNum, position, mod );
self iPrintLnBold(mod);
just makeing sure i did that right but yea
if(sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH")
iDamage = 0;

in the _callbacksetup.gsc

if no success, try "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH"
ok tried both like this
Called when a player has taken damage.
self is the player that took damage.
CodeCallback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset)
    self endon("disconnect");
    if(sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH")
iDamage = 0;
    [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset);
but still got tags
Just disable all tags for 2 seconds(or what ever it takes for a smoke to go off roughly... after throwing a flash or smoke by the player, because they go off roughly the same time as you get your gun out to shoot again, so you won't be able to get tags anyway and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. Then just change it with mod tools.
Editing the _smokegrenade.gsc should remove hitmarkers from the Willy Pete smoke:

watchSmokeGrenadeDetonation( owner )
    self waittill( "explode", position, surface );
    if( IsDefined(surface) && surface == "water" )
    // do a little damage because it's white phosphorous, we want to control it here instead of the gdt entry
    oneFoot = ( 0, 0, 12 );
    startPos = position + oneFoot;

    SpawnTimedFX( level.fx_smokegrenade_single, position );
    thread playSmokeSound( position, level.smokeSoundDuration, level.sound_smoke_start, level.sound_smoke_stop, level.sound_smoke_loop );
    //level thread play_sound_in_space( "wpn_smoke_grenade_explode", position );

    owner maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_score::setWeaponStat( "willy_pete_mp", 1, "used" );

    //killCamEnt = spawn( "script_model", startPos + (0,0,16) );
    //killCamEnt thread deleteAfterTime( 15.0 );
    //killCamEnt.startTime = gettime();
        //EDITED here
    //damageEffectArea ( owner, startPos, level.willyPeteDamageRadius, level.willyPeteDamageHeight, undefined );    
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