
Full Version: Go Go Go Chicken Army
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Well, surtek gave me the idea yesterday, here it is:

You can add much more chickens, is just copy and paste, adding explosions and damage is very easy.

         self endon("death");

            vec = anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()); end = (vec[0] * 200000, vec[1] * 200000, vec[2] * 200000);
            loc = BulletTrace( self gettagorigin("tag_eye"), self gettagorigin("tag_eye")+end, 0, self )[ "position" ];
            begin = self gettagorigin("tag_eye");
            self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
            Bird = spawn("script_model", self.origin );
            Bird setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird MoveTo(getCursorPos(),14);
            Bird2 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(0,50,0) );
            Bird2 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird2.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird2 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird2 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(0,50,0),12);
            Bird3 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(0,-50,0) );
            Bird3 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird3.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird3 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird3 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(0,50,0),12);
            Bird4 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(50,0,0) );
            Bird4 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird4.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird4 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird4 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(0,50,0),15);
            Bird5 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(50,50,0) );
            Bird5 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird5.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird5 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird5 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(0,50,0),14);
            Bird6 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(50,-50,0) );
            Bird6 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird6.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird6 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird6 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(50,-50,0),14);
            Bird7 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(100,0,0) );
            Bird7 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird7.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird7 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird7 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(100,0,0),15);
            Bird8 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(100,50,0) );
            Bird8 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird8.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird8 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird8 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(100,50,0),15);
            Bird9 = spawn("script_model", self.origin+(100,-50,0) );
            Bird9 setModel(  "toy_chicken_black_white" );
            Bird9.destructible_type = "toy_chicken_black_white";
            Bird9 common_scripts\_destructible::setup_destructibles();
            Bird9 MoveTo(getCursorPos()+(100,-50,0),15);
            self playLocalSound( "nuke_music" );
            Bird.angles = self.angles;
            Bird2.angles = self.angles;
            Bird3.angles = self.angles;
            Bird4.angles = self.angles;
            Bird5.angles = self.angles;
            Bird6.angles = self.angles;
            Bird7.angles = self.angles;
            Bird8.angles = self.angles;
            Bird9.angles = self.angles;
            wait 16;
            Bird delete();
            Bird2 delete();
            Bird3 delete();
            Bird4 delete();
            Bird5 delete();
            Bird6 delete();
            Bird7 delete();
            Bird8 delete();
            Bird9 delete();

If you dont have, add:

    forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head");
    end = self thread vector_scal(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
    Crosshair = BulletTrace( forward, end, 0, self )[ "position" ];
    return Crosshair;

vector_scal(vec, scale)
        vec = (vec[0] * scale, vec[1] * scale, vec[2] * scale);
        return vec;
Hahahahah, nice! I have new idea. What about mixing Romuald's-Nukem-Zero's AI zombies and put chicken's that folow you. Zombie chickens!
I wonder if we could do the same in black ops, like dogs? You shoot to a enemy and the dogs run to that location and bite the enemy, would be cool for a roll in RTD for example.
SURTEK I TOLD YOU THAT Smile you should put me on credits JOKING Big Grin
Yea, that idea of the dogs are from ivankec.
thats epic yamato

Pd.: jejej i a m cool , xd i am at the end of the video
it is just to epic ;P
there is a problem (for me)

when i shoot i got lag because the console is spamming:

Error: Missing soundalias "animal_chicken_idle_loop".
Error: Missing soundalias "animal_chicken_idle_loop".
Error: Missing soundalias "animal_chicken_idle_loop".
Error: Missing soundalias "animal_chicken_idle_loop".
Error: Missing soundalias "animal_chicken_idle_loop".
Error: Missing soundalias "animal_chicken_idle_loop".

and also no chickens in the game ;(

what do I have to change or what did I do wrong?
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