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hey still trying to do custom killstreaks but not understandering it lol can i ask would this
case 5:
        self KillstreakNotify(HARDPOINT TYPE, "Press [{+actionslot 4}] for blalblab");
mean on 5 kill's??? because i would like to do is disable killstreak's in privite match settings and just make my own calling in killtreak's and custom stuff aswell ie
2 kill's give spy plane and at say 7 kill's call Rpg shooting minigun like this
//this in onspawned player
self thread atPlayerShootmini();
//this in the elusive givekillstreak at 7 kill's lol
self givemini();
    self giveWeapon( "minigun_mp", 0 );
    self SetActionSlot( 3, "weapon", "minigun_mp" );

    self endon("disconnect");
        self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
        if(self getcurrentweapon() != "minigun_mp") continue;
        location = aim();
        MagicBullet( "rpg_mp", self getTagOrigin("tag_eye"), location, self );

    forward = self getTagOrigin("tag_eye");
    end = self vector_multiply(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
    Crosshair = BulletTrace( forward, end, true, self )[ "position" ];
    return Crosshair;
then at 11 give dog's, and to disable players normal killstreaks so thay dont get them as well as the one's i setup Big Grin
(03-24-2011, 02:38)rotceh_dnih Wrote: [ -> ]cool i was about to post a thread on this xD but now it here ill just ask,
i would like to have custom killstreaks mixed with one's a have made," ie
on 3 kill's give morterstrike and on 5 kill's give minigun that shot's rpg's,
i also seen this code
if(self.pers["cur_kill_streak"] == 25)
self maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::giveKillstreak("");
could that help?
arrrg im just really confused on how to get this to work

gettin better at finding syntax errors and got this to compile but seems to do nothing

*Drop's to ground,,,, i have been at this for day's Sad and havent gotin anywhere
could someone please help
(03-28-2011, 02:57)rotceh_dnih Wrote: [ -> ]*Drop's to ground,,,, i have been at this for day's Sad and havent gotin anywhere
could someone please help

when jumper vs paladin is released i gonna release my killstreak code Wink
Sad that hurt's , i mean that reply got me feeling really down , like its takein me 45min's to write this because im shattered
(03-29-2011, 02:58)rotceh_dnih Wrote: [ -> ]Sad that hurt's , i mean that reply got me feeling really down , like its takein me 45min's to write this because im shattered

[Image: cookie-monster.jpg]

Sad ?
lol im just trying to moniter streaks and call funtion on what kills they have
so im looking at this
    self.killcount = self.kills;
    self.numberofstreaks = 0;
    self.usingstreak = 0;
    self waittill("spawned_player");
    self setClientDvar("cg_weaponCycleDelay", 0);
    self thread streaks();
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::setKillstreaks( "none", "none", "none" );
    self endon("death");
    self.startscore = self.kills;
    self.killcount = 0;
        if(self.killcount != self.kills - self.startscore){
        self.killcount = self.kills - self.startscore;
            case 5:
        self KillstreakNotify(HARDPOINT TYPE, "Press [{+actionslot 4}] for blalblab");
    wait 0.0000000000001; // OMFG ANTI BUG LIKE

KillstreakNotify( streakName, txt)
    self endon("disconnect");
    self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( "Killstreak: "+self.killcount, txt, "", (0,0,1) );
    self maps\mp\gametypes\_hardpoints::giveKillstreak( streakname , streakname, true );
    self iprintln( + " got killstreak with " + self.killcount + " kills!");

    wait 1;
and would like to know how it works and dose the case 5: mean on 5 kill's so i could just add in more case's for more killstreaks ?
Yes it does
wait 0.0000000000001; // OMFG ANTI BUG LIKE lol...
can someone fill me in on the joke?
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