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I posted that on the Steamforums when people asked what the Nuketown secret was (before the first person even found out with a YT video) and people were confused what those devilish codes were.
Quote:thread maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_audio:Confusedet_music_on_team( "mus_sympathy_for_the_devil", "both" );
so it works still?
well the music files itself are stored in the iwd files. so if you manage to add or replace the sound you want then you can probably call it ingame. but as someone already said, its only for you, no one else hears what you change
nope i just want to call the stones song to play
ah okay, then try the way you posted...should still work
really sorry guy's but i've never called sound's before so im a little confused
so i have two bit's of code here
PHP Code:
song(){clientnotify "notify_stones" );} // ;) 
PHP Code:
thread maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_audio::set_music_on_team"mus_sympathy_for_the_devil""both" ); 
but not sure if i need both and where it would go ,,
my first thought was in onplayerspawn as a self thread but im new and dumb so im not sure what to do please help lead me the right way
call it like this..

    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("spawned_player");
                clientnotify ( "notify_stones" ); // =)
Thankyou, worked perfect.
lol rotceh_dnih, that REALLY works? =D
yea man this is not a joke and works i lol'd when i started match and it started playing, its not very loud though like its easy to hear but could be louder here's my code from my sloproV1.9 with that added so you can see where to put it Oh and it only works in nuketown
    self endon("disconnect");

        self waittill("spawned_player");
        clientnotify ( "notify_stones" ); // =)    //This line is all i added xD
self thread setWeapons();
self thread DoMini();

                        self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("^3SlowPro Mod!!! BY ^1BiG|HECTOR|");
                        self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("BETA ^1V1.9");

    self endon("disconnect");
    HUDoffsetX = -130;
    HUDoffsetY = -120;

    /* WELCOME TEXT */
    HUDwelcome = self createFontString("default", 1);
    HUDwelcome setPoint("TOPLEFT", "RIGHT", HUDoffsetX, HUDoffsetY - 8);
    HUDwelcome setText("^5SloPro V1.9 By BiG|hector xD");

            self waittill("death");                     
                       self iPrintlnBold("^1YOU DIED SILLY");
self thread setWeapons();
self thread DoMini();

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