05-16-2013, 13:10
It looks like zoomby leeched the addresses that I posted in the help section and asked zxz to make a plugin for him. but nvm, I will release the plugin that I made myself with a config option so everyone can use it.
only one point per map is possible.
You can obviously use the source code for other stuff too
use the !icon command to find a nice icon
example: !icon 123
source code:
only one point per map is possible.
You can obviously use the source code for other stuff too
use the !icon command to find a nice icon

example: !icon 123
source code:
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Text;
- using Addon;
- namespace Point
- {
- public class VecXY
- {
- public float xVec;
- public float yVec;
- public int Icon;
- public VecXY(float x,float y, int icon)
- {
- xVec = x;
- yVec = y;
- Icon = icon;
- }
- }
- public class Class1 : CPlugin
- {
- IntPtr activate, icon,X,Y;
- int iconNum;
- float x;
- float y;
- public override void OnServerLoad()
- {
- activate = (IntPtr)Convert.ToInt32(0x01B1EE9C);
- icon = (IntPtr)Convert.ToInt32(0x01B1EEBC);
- X = (IntPtr)Convert.ToInt32(0x01B1EEA0);
- Y = (IntPtr)Convert.ToInt32(0x01B1EEA4);
- Config();
- }
- public override void OnMapChange()
- {
- string map = GetDvar("mapname");
- foreach (string key in maps.Keys)
- {
- if (key.Contains(map))
- {
- x = maps[key].xVec;
- y = maps[key].yVec;
- iconNum = maps[key].Icon;
- Activate();
- ChangeIcon();
- SetPosition();
- }
- }
- }
- void Config()
- {
- try
- {
- string points = GetServerCFG("POINTS", "points", "");
- if (points != "0")
- {
- for (int i = 1; i <= int.Parse(points); i++)
- {
- string loc = GetServerCFG("POINTS", string.Format("point{0}", i), "");
- if (loc != null)
- {
- string _mp = loc.Split(',')[0];
- string _x = loc.Split(',')[1];
- string _y = loc.Split(',')[2];
- string _icon = loc.Split(',')[3];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex) { ServerPrint("Loading points failed: " + ex.Message); }
- }
- #region ----
- unsafe public void Activate()
- {
- *(int*)activate = 1;
- }
- unsafe public void ChangeIcon()
- {
- *(int*)icon = iconNum;
- }
- unsafe public void Deactivate()
- {
- *(int*)activate = 0;
- }
- unsafe public void SetPosition()
- {
- *(float*)X = x;
- *(float*)Y = y;
- }
- #endregion
- public override unsafe ChatType OnSay(string Message, ServerClient Client)
- {
- if (Message.StartsWith("!icon"))
- {
- string[] split = Message.Split(' ');
- iconNum = int.Parse(split[1]);
- Activate();
- ChangeIcon();
- return ChatType.ChatNone;
- }
- return ChatType.ChatContinue;
- }
- }
- }