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Release MapEdit for MW3 1.4
(02-25-2013, 11:02)nn00bb Wrote:

Why you posted decompiled code there?
C++/Obj-Cdeveloper. Neko engine wip
Steam: Click

Good! Now you have the source code why don't make your version of it?

New update!Should fix most of the known bugs

i get this without the latest version
//////Dedicated server addon enabled//////
////Created by Nukem |
////CoD8HMod |

Version 1.413
Server timed messages successfully loaded!
Permission plugin loaded. Author: Pozzuh. Version 1.0 Beta
[ANTIRAGE] Command set to: kickclient | Show Message set to True
[ANTIRAGE] Threshold set to: 60 seconds
Teleport plugin loaded!
Freeze Plugin by EnVi loaded!
ModRules plugin by EnVi Sweden Rocks

FOV Plugin loaded
Author: zxz0O0
Thanks to Nukem, Jariz, Pozzuh

PersonalPermission plugin loaded. Author: God of War. Version 2.0

ServerAd Plugin loaded
Author: zxz0O0
Thanks to Nukem, Jariz, Pozzuh and Makavel

Bonemind's ingame RCON v0.7.5 BETA loaded
Error: The XUID: is in multiple groups
Error: The XUID: is in multiple groups
Teleporter plugin by Nukem loaded.

version 1.9.461
Command "seta" tried to modify non-archive external dvar "cg_headIconMinScreenRadius".
Invalid external archiving dvar "g_allowVote"; this code dvar is not an archiving type.  Resetting dvar.
Invalid external archiving dvar "sv_hostname"; this code dvar is not an archiving type.  Resetting dvar.
Connecting to online services.......
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"

and this with the latest version
//////Dedicated server addon enabled//////
////Created by Nukem |
////CoD8HMod |

Version 1.413
Server timed messages successfully loaded!
Permission plugin loaded. Author: Pozzuh. Version 1.0 Beta
[ANTIRAGE] Command set to: kickclient | Show Message set to True
[ANTIRAGE] Threshold set to: 60 seconds
Teleport plugin loaded!
Freeze Plugin by EnVi loaded!

version 1.9.461
Command "seta" tried to modify non-archive external dvar "cg_headIconMinScreenRadius".
Invalid external archiving dvar "g_allowVote"; this code dvar is not an archiving type.  Resetting dvar.
Invalid external archiving dvar "sv_hostname"; this code dvar is not an archiving type.  Resetting dvar.
Connecting to online services....
Connected to online services.
Executing server config "server.cfg"

can u fix it?

strange shouldn't occur also I couldn't recreate this problem

(02-27-2013, 08:24)EnVi Sweden Rocks Wrote: ok, sorry

Freeze Plugin by EnVi loaded!

Thanks for changing the credits to you LOL
Just tested the plugin and everything is loading fine for me.

Please don't quote such long posts

Uhm, I have a allinone plugin, and the problem is, it doesn't run with the latest version (1.4)
With the 1.4 version.
Version 1.414
Server timed messages successfully loaded!
AntiNameChanger by Litgar Loaded
CoolFunctionsTest by Archit
healthHUD plugin by Litgar loaded!

version 1.9.461

With 1.1
Version 1.414
Server timed messages successfully loaded!
AntiNameChanger by Litgar Loaded
CoolFunctionsTest by Archit
healthHUD plugin by Litgar loaded!
MW3 AllInOne plugins loaded. Created by 99IRock, and Gam3rr0rZ from It's Mods forums!
Shop by 99IRock loaded

version 1.9.461

So I'm using 1.1 again, and that's kinda annoying because it keeps crashing randomly..
Please fix it Smile
Thanks in advance Tongue
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]
[Image: hax0r3ez.gif]

is it possible to add the verson "1.3" back? that worked before this latest version.

Probably the obfuscation level caused it. Also the next version should completely fix crashes ETA 1 hour

Is there any fix, my people keep leaving because of the bugs Sad
I also ve a problem, sometimes I see my NORMAL boxes TWICE (not with mapedit)

And I saw on dome, the dome TWICE, with a meter space between it
Thanks already for plugin but please fix Smile
[Image: b_560_95_1.png]
[Image: hax0r3ez.gif]

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