guys why do I have this crap here-I'd say in the game !tp- in the console should write
server Print,yes no 1 problemserverPrl say Entity ent1 = SpawnModel(script_model,prop_flag_neutral,new Vector(2793,679f,4393,263f,6760,508f));
bitch fucking bug- (2793,679f,4393,263f,6760,508f)); actually I correct it here so
(2793.679f,4393.263f,6760.508f)); how can I fix it? and not through the console and recorded the coordinates to a file .TXT,bug in "new Vector(" + locationX + "f" + "," + locationY + "f" + "," + locationZ + "f" + "))" + ";");
server Print,yes no 1 problem
if (Message.ToLower().StartsWith("!tp"))
Entity entdefault = SpawnModel("script_model", "prop_flag_neutral", new Vector(locationX, locationY, locationZ));
ServerPrint("Entity ent" + ent + " = SpawnModel(" + "script_model" + "," + "prop_flag_neutral" + "," + "new Vector(" + locationX + "f" + "," + locationY + "f" + "," + locationZ + "f" + "))" + ";");
return ChatType.ChatNone;
bitch fucking bug- (2793,679f,4393,263f,6760,508f)); actually I correct it here so
(2793.679f,4393.263f,6760.508f)); how can I fix it? and not through the console and recorded the coordinates to a file .TXT,bug in "new Vector(" + locationX + "f" + "," + locationY + "f" + "," + locationZ + "f" + "))" + ";");