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Help glowing bullet holes or Paintball
Hey I see in somevideos of edited or made versions of the Roll the Dice and one of them is paintball, i think, anyway when someone shoot at something there is a big glowing ball like a flare in the wall, anyone know what im talking about, its on youtube for black ops mod menus and roll the dice heres link go 0:08 second of the video and you will see all these lights where people have shot or something. How can i do that? Plz help, ThanksBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

actually if you could show me where to get this mod it would be appreciated Awesome
Nod at the bird and people die!

Here you go THANK ME! Smile
[Image: m9ljxv.jpg]

(11-02-2011, 04:13)hunturbo Wrote: actually if you could show me where to get this mod it would be appreciated Awesome

you have to buyfor the full mod, to just play in server look for roll the dice v2 in black ops MP unranked

Spawn FX at you shooting location.
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

(11-02-2011, 07:13)OrangePL Wrote: Spawn FX at you shooting location.

i did ill show u t he codes that i have and tried and they didnt work but here they are and they work in RTD v2 but not in this IDK why
    self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
    PlayLoopedFX(level._effect["crossbow_enemy_light"], 0.10, aim());
    self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
    PlayLoopedFX(level._effect["crossbow_friendly_light"], 0.10, aim());

PHP Code:
    level._effect["crossbow_enemy_light"] = loadfx"weapon/crossbow/fx_trail_crossbow_blink_red_os" );
level._effect["crossbow_friendly_light"] = loadfx"weapon/crossbow/fx_trail_crossbow_blink_grn_os" ); 

Anyone know how i can make this so i can shoot the paintball lights i tired this and it didnt work it said "Unknown Function" or something so and help plz, ThanksWink

because you havent copypasted aim() Dodgy
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

(11-02-2011, 23:19)OrangePL Wrote: because you havent copypasted aim() Dodgy

???????? um like
    forward = self getTagOrigin("tag_eye");
    end = self vector_multiply(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
    Crosshair = BulletTrace( forward, end, true, self )[ "position" ];
    return Crosshair;
and with a gthread with the FX model shooting thing i can put
PHP Code:
self thread aim1(); 

okj well i added the aim and still nothing can someone help me out
here download the mod below and see if you an get it to work because ive t reid everything u said and what ive seen in mods and have my freinds help me and it still doesnt work so if one of you can get it to work plz reupload it so i can download it because its a PITA

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 7.13 KB / Downloads: 10)

no, copypaste aim()

and the line PlayLoopedFX(level._effect["crossbow_enemy_light"], 0.10, aim()); should work, else you have error in other place
[Image: lQDUjba.jpg]

(11-03-2011, 00:34)OrangePL Wrote: no, copypaste aim()

and the line PlayLoopedFX(level._effect["crossbow_enemy_light"], 0.10, aim()); should work, else you have error in other place

ok what is copypaste aim() ive never seen or heard of that, can you give me an example

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