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Simple External Crosshair

Title Says it all, It is a very good example for people who are beginners in C++ and can be used in any game since its external.

I have left Sleep(); as (33) which is most common Frames Per Second in FPS games I think. Make sure to change the RGB to your likings for different colours.


#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

bool crosshairon=false;
HDC ragedc = NULL;
int crosshairsize=0;
int cx=0;
int cy=0;

void CrossThread(void)
            ragedc = GetDC(HWND_DESKTOP);

int main()
    cout<<"Crosshair size in pixels:\n";
    cout<<"Press numpad0 to toggle the crosshair on and off\n";
            for(int i=0;i<crosshairsize;i++)
                SetPixel(ragedc, cx+i, cy+((crosshairsize-1)/2), RGB(255,0,0));
                SetPixel(ragedc, cx+((crosshairsize-1)/2), cy+i, RGB(0,0,255));

            for(int i=1;i<crosshairsize;i++)
                SetPixel(ragedc, cx+i, cy+((crosshairsize-1)/2), RGB(0,0,0));
                SetPixel(ragedc, cx+((crosshairsize-1)/2), cy+i, RGB(0,0,0));

Thanks and +Rep If you like it. Also added the .exe file
thanks but i have a question, im noob in source things but how do i activate or let the crosshair work on any game?
Press numpad 0 Big Grin
Thanks, i give u thanked Big Grin