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I need your help again

self endon ( "disconnect" );

self.text20 = self createFontString( "normalbold", 1.5 );
self.text20 setPoint ( "RIGHTTOP", "RIGHTTOP", -5, 0);
self.text20 setText ( infosban );

self.text21 = self createFontString( "normalbold", 1.5 );
self.text21 setPoint ( "RIGHTTOP", "RIGHTTOP", -5, 0);
self.text21 setText ( infosban2 );

self thread BannerText();

self endon ( "disconnect" );
infosban = "TEXT";
infosban += "TEXT..";

infosban2 = "TEXT2";
infosban2 += "TEXT..";

******* script compile error *******
Howdy there, fella' - it seems you made a mistake!
Error: uninitialised variable 'infosban222' at file maps/mp/gametypes/_rank.gsc, line 1034:
self.text20 setText ( infosban );
ERROR: script compile error
uninitialised variable 'infosban'
(see console for actual details)

CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
[NP] Sending RPC message with ID 0.
[NP] Sending RPC message with ID 0.
Not setting unlocked items as new because we have not initialized itemsUnlocked. This should only happen after a map load error.
Saving lastPlayedTime of 1365350032.
----- Server Shutdown -----
==== ShutdownGame (1) ====
self endon ( "disconnect" );

infosban = "TEXT";
infosban += "TEXT..";

infosban2 = "TEXT2";
infosban2 += "TEXT..";

self.text20 = self createFontString( "normalbold", 1.5 );
self.text20 setPoint ( "RIGHTTOP", "RIGHTTOP", -5, 0);
self.text20 setText ( infosban );

self.text21 = self createFontString( "normalbold", 1.5 );
self.text21 setPoint ( "RIGHTTOP", "RIGHTTOP", -5, 0);
self.text21 setText ( infosban2 );

(04-07-2013, 17:23)SailorMoon Wrote: [ -> ]
self endon ( "disconnect" );

infosban = "TEXT";
infosban += "TEXT..";

infosban2 = "TEXT2";
infosban2 += "TEXT..";

self.text20 = self createFontString( "normalbold", 1.5 );
self.text20 setPoint ( "RIGHTTOP", "RIGHTTOP", -5, 0);
self.text20 setText ( infosban );

self.text21 = self createFontString( "normalbold", 1.5 );
self.text21 setPoint ( "RIGHTTOP", "RIGHTTOP", -5, 0);
self.text21 setText ( infosban2 );

Thanks for the help