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Alright so ive been trying to write a mod for bots so that whenever i shoot i'll get a headshot. The code itself works fine but i also want to add a way to turn it off/on. Im not too sure what im doing because i havent coded alot of gsc but i can still understand alot of stuff.
This is the code that i have so far.
        self endon( "death" );
        self endon( "disconnect" );
    self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "5", "+actionslot 2" );
    self playSound("lost_c");

        self waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
                wait 0.01;
                aimAt = undefined;
                foreach(player in level.players)
                        if( (player == self) || (level.teamBased && self.pers["team"] == player.pers["team"]) || ( !isAlive(player) ) )
            //if( !bulletTracePassed( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), player getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), false, self ) ) //Remove this and the next line to use it through walls ;)                              
            //    continue;
                        if( isDefined(aimAt) )
                                if( closer( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), player getTagOrigin( "j_head" ), aimAt getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) ) )
                                        aimAt = player;
                                aimAt = player;
                if( isDefined( aimAt ) )
                       // self setplayerangles( VectorToAngles( ( aimAt getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) ) - ( self getTagOrigin( "j_head" ) ) ) );   //Remove me to enable/disable aim assist!
                        if( self AttackButtonPressed() ){
                                aimAt thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]] ( self, self, 2147483600, 8, "MOD_HEAD_SHOT", self getCurrentWeapon(), (0,0,0), (0,0,0), "head", 0 );
Even if i dont hit 5 it will still kill a bot with every shot. I want it so that when i press 5 it turns on/off. I tried adding something that looked like this:
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("5", "+actionslot 2");
return true;
return false;
And i basically replaced the notifyOnPlayerCommand in nospread() with
if self (isEnabled())

Unfortuneatly that didnt work. Would appreciate any help
You forgot 'self waittill("5");' after 'onnotifyplayercommand'

Edit, we can't force key pressing in mW 2 : (
in which part of the code do you mean?
can you just fix it for me? x)
"Alright so ive been trying to write a mod for bots so that whenever i shoot i'll get a headshot. The code itself works fine but i also want to add a way to turn it off/on. Im not too sure what im doing because i havent coded alot of gsc but i can still understand alot of stuff." trying to go for your 1337 quickscopez montage clipz!?!? If so then you're terrible.