
Full Version: [Release]Camper Prevention
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I made this real quick for my new mod menu, it makes a icon on your minimap when someone camps

CamperPrevention()//add to onplayerspawned
        self endon("disconnect");
        self endon("death");
        precacheShader( "compass_waypoint_target" );
             self.crnt = self.origin;
             wait 15;
             if( Distance( self.crnt, self.origin )<80 )
                   objective_add( 1, "active", self.origin );
                   objective_icon( 1, "compass_waypoint_target" );
                   notifyData = spawnStruct();
                   notifyData.titleText = "^2"" Is A Gay Camper";
                   notifyData.notifyText = "^7Look At your Mini Map To Find The camper";
                   notifyData.duration = 6;
                   notifyData.sound = "mp_challenge_complete";
                   self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );
                   self endon("death")
                         objective_position( 1, self.origin );
                         wait 0.2;

nice idea
Y U NO like campers? Fuu