
Full Version: Lethal Slot
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Since we are able to set the weapons and equipment + perks via ServerClient.Other.
i want to request to add a Function to set the lethal slot.
Also OnPlayerDamage(/**/) is bugged with the throwing knife:
I typed this in that callback:
ServerPrint(translate(Attacker.Team)+" hit "+translate(Victim.Team)+" with a "+Weapon+". Damage:"+Damage);
private String translate(Teams t)
            if (t == Teams.FFA)
                return "FFA";
            if (t == Teams.Axis)
                return "Axis";
            if (t == Teams.Allies)
                return "Allies";
            if (t == Teams.Spectator)
                return "Spectator";
            return "Unknown";

As I (i was in axis) throw my Throwing knife at somebody who was in allies, i got this logged in the console:
Allies hit Allies with a throwingknife_mp. Damage:135

EDIT: Spelling mistake Wink