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I would like a plugin where survivors could maybe take 2 knifes, before they die, instead of 1? and 2 tks? It would be nice if we could double the survivor health, without giving them jugger (cuz it makes them move slow) but I would also like to keep zombie health at normal.

Is dis possible? Big Grin
(05-29-2012, 01:19)pollarpart Wrote: [ -> ]I would like a plugin where survivors could maybe take 2 knifes, before they die, instead of 1? and 2 tks? It would be nice if we could double the survivor health, without giving them jugger (cuz it makes them move slow) but I would also like to keep zombie health at normal.

Is dis possible? Big Grin

i could do that but no addon no plugins
Only health can be increased for the player *from the code I have* this code is from JayDi's xzombie mod.
ServerClient Client = (ServerClient)arg;
                Random rand = new Random();
                switch (rand.Next(0, 4))
                    case 0:
                        iPrintLnBold("^5Your random zombie class is ^1Track Athlete", Client);
                        iPrintLnBold("^4Same HP, more speed", Client);
                        Client.Other.SpeedScale = (float)1.3;
                        Client.Other.Health += 110;
Change everything just so you can have Health which is this.
Client.Other.Health += 110;
If it is to apply to infected is probably more complicated since you cant really establish a class diference. but maybe something like this

bool[] team_axis = new bool[17];
bool[] team_allies = new bool[17];
bool[] hp_checker = new bool[17];

public override void OnAddonFrame()
    foreach (ServerClient Client in GetClients())
        if (Client.Team == Teams.Allies)
            team_axis[Client.ClientNum] = false;
            team_allies[Client.ClientNum] = true;
            if (hp_checker[Client.ClientNum] == true)
                Client.Other.Health = (health needed to survive the first knife and tk);
                hp_checker[Client.ClientNum] = false;
        else if (Client.Team == Teams.Axis)
            team_axis[Client.ClientNum] = true;
            team_allies[Client.ClientNum] = false;

public override void OnPlayerConnect(ServerClient Client)
    hp_checker[Client.ClientNum] = true;

public override void OnFastRestart()
    foreach (ServerClient Client in GetClients())
        hp_checker[Client.ClientNum] = true;

public override void OnMapChange()
    foreach (ServerClient Client in GetClients())
        hp_checker[Client.ClientNum] = true;

probably it won't even work xD but i tried

I did this way cause i think in every map infecteds are in Axies team

Maybe it works Big Grin
@estebespt it should be possible to just set health when player spawns (OnPlayerSpawned).
(05-29-2012, 07:30)zxz0O0 Wrote: [ -> ]@estebespt it should be possible to just set health when player spawns (OnPlayerSpawned).

probably xD or using OnPlayerDamaged but i don't think there is iw5_knife_mp Confused

public override void OnPlayerSpawned(ServerClient Client)
    if(Client.Team == Teams.Allies)
        Client.Other.Health = (health needed to survive the first knife and tk);
So did anyone create this?
With the addon being broken all plugin development stopped, obviously
But you can still try to create the plugin but not use it until it's updated?
TRY this? Big Grin